Wilhelm paced in the hotel lobby. Anna would arrive soon. Vlad had texted him to let him know Devin was on his way. But he couldn’t approach her, and it broke his heart to know he would be so close to her and yet unable to talk to her. At least he would be able to see that she was alright.
Kurt sat nearby, his tented fingers tapping on his lips as he stared at the hotel doors. The intensity in his stare had become a regular sight for Wilhelm lately. He felt immense pride in Kurt’s growth, watching him step into Alex’s shoes. From an immature, carefree boy, Kurt had transformed into a serious young man. Wilhelm was confident that Kurt would capably lead the country after his own passing. There was only one missing piece in Kurt’s life: a wife. Sadly, Kurt had fallen for Anna and no other woman would satisfy him.
Every person who walked through the doors caught the attention of both Wilhelm and Kurt. They had waited in agony in their hotel room for Vlad’s text and had moved to the lobby after he’d contacted them. They’d been downstairs for over an hour.
“Why are you pacing, Wilhelm?” came a question in German. Wilhelm turned around to see his friend, Edwin Reisig, Elder of Bavaria, standing behind him, an amused look on his face. “You are never anxious.”
“Anna is on her way.”
A look of understanding spread across Edwin’s face. “Ah.”
“It’s been over a year and the reports I’ve received are not good.”
“Perhaps you should bring it up to the other Elders. She is yours as much as she is that bastard’s. You have a right to see her.”
Wilhelm contemplated Edwin’s suggestion, acknowledging its merit. This event was his best opportunity to reunite with Anna. With the support of the other Elders, he could pressure Devin into lifting the banishment. He was reluctant to turn the funeral into a political assembly, though. And even if Wilhelm had the support of the majority of Elders behind him, with Devin’s influence and abilities, it still might not be enough. “Do you think the others would back me?”
“Devin has not been making friends these last few years outside his own country. Everyone saw how distraught Anna was at Alex’s funeral. Elder-Mistresses aren’t supposed to be capable of such emotion. If it’s obvious that there has been mistreatment, there is a high likelihood that they will back you. If she’s better off...” Edwin shrugged. “You might be on your own.”
“So I am to hope she looks terrible?” Wilhelm understood what Edwin was saying, though, and he was torn between wanting to know that Anna was alright and his desire to have her back in his life.
“It would go a long way in gaining traction for your complaint. Devin’s actions haven’t gone unnoticed, but they have a right to do as they see fit in their country, so long as it doesn’t affect anyone else.”
“How can it not? Their economic mess is affecting the entire world.”
“Yes, but America has been losing power for many years. It’s not as big a deal as it would have been twenty years ago. Some might say Devin’s strong hand is the only hope they have.”
“Americans are too independent for what he wants.”
“Yes, but they are influenced by the media. They paint things very differently than the reality. Things work over here that I doubt would work over there.”
“Vati!” Kurt jumped to his feet.
A group of men had walked into the hotel with a woman. Anna. Wilhelm’s heart leaped when he saw her. Her thick sable-brown hair hung down her back. It had grown longer since he’d seen her last. She wore a black skirt and jacket, but he didn’t see a necklace, which concerned Wilhelm. Here, of all places, she should have her Mistress necklace on. Otherwise, she might be mistaken for a common Dirne.
She walked behind Devin, staring at the floor. She was a shadow of what she had been even the last time he saw her. It wasn’t that she was pale or thin, though she was. It was her spirit; the Immortal part of her was severely diminished. And when he looked at Devin, he knew why.
Devin emanated an aura of Immortal power, evident not just in his demeanor but in the very essence of his presence. It wasn’t tangible, and the average person wouldn’t have any idea. But Elders would know. Elders from several countries were seated around the lobby and they all turned to stare at him.
There was no denying the truth. Devin had become a Chairman: a powerful Elder with amazing powers of influence and control. Long ago, before Elders and Immortals decided to work together, Chairmen had ruled society using power they’d stolen from the Immortals’ Daughters.
And if the other Elders bothered to look, they could see exactly who he had stolen his power from.
Anna hurried behind Devin through the lobby to the reception desk, carefully keeping her gaze on the floor and trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. She was determined to not upset Devin. She would be a good slave, get through the few days here, and then go home and face the rest of her life. Without Peter to keep her sane and protected. Nutcracker rehearsals didn’t begin for several more weeks, though, so she really had nothing to look forward to back in San Francisco. Just sleep. Maybe Devin would let her have a few of those pills...
Devin checked in at the reception desk and Anna waited silently. She felt someone watching her and turned and looked around. “Wilhelm,” she whispered. “Kurt.”
On the far side of the lobby stood the two men she wanted to see more than anyone else in the world, save Alex. They stared at each other, the longing palpable between them. She clenched her fists and swallowed hard. The only thing that kept her from running into their arms was the terror of being punished by Devin.
Tyler stepped in front of her and grabbed her chin. “I don’t think you’re allowed to see them.” He sneered and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I can’t wait to have you in a room.” He ran his hand down her hip and pressed her body to his.
“Tyler, can’t you wait—” Devin looked across the lobby and smiled wickedly. “Ah.” Devin looked down at Anna. “You want to go to them, don’t you?”
Anna nodded, not daring to hope he would let her.
“I don’t think I could allow that, Baby. They might try to take you away from me again.” He turned away and motioned to the bellhop. “Bring her, Tyler.” He walked away, following the bellhop to the elevators.
Tyler snaked his arm around her waist and walked her to the elevator. She caught a glimpse of Wilhelm over her shoulder as she was steered around the corner, and then he disappeared from her view.