When they had finished with her, Devin still wouldn’t let her go to sleep. Instead, he made her sit at his feet until the Elders were done with their meeting. By the time the men left, Anna was delirious and could hardly stand. Devin pulled her into the bedroom by her hair, pushed her onto the bed, and fucked her hard, but she hardly noticed. When he finished, he pushed her to her side of the bed and she was able to sleep at last.

Chapter 38

Anna giggled and stared adoringly at her husband. “Alex, what are you doing?” She was so unbelievably happy, she could hardly believe it was real. How could someone like him love someone like her?

Alex kissed her, his bare chest muscles flexing as he leaned forward. “Kissing you,” he murmured against her lips. “I want to have a baby with you.”

“I can’t. Alex, you know that.” She was sad they would never have children.

“Oh, Baby, there is a way. I told you that, remember?” He kissed her neck and pressed her down into the bed. “Give yourself to me and we’ll have a child. Just like we always wanted.”

Anna smiled. “I would love to have a baby with you.” She pulled him close. He entered her body and they moved together, their hips grinding against each other until she cried out in pleasure and felt him empty himself into her body. “Oh, Alex! I love you.”

“I love you, too, sweetheart.” He nuzzled her neck and they drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.

When she woke, she was several months pregnant and so happy. Alex kissed her belly and told her how beautiful she was.

He took her hand and pulled her up on stage. “Look how beautiful my wife is,” he announced to the audience.

Anna blushed and buried her face in his chest. He pulled away and led her to a bench.

“Lay down, Baby.” He trailed his fingers up her thighs and caressed her nether lips.

Anna sighed and closed her eyes as he caressed her. He pressed harder and it started to hurt.

“Ow. Oh, please stop.”

Excruciating pain erupted between her legs, and Anna opened her eyes to see Devin standing there with a wicked grin on his face. “Give me your baby, Anna.”

Anna shook her head and screamed. “No!”

She struggled against the firm hands that held her in place. She screamed again as Devin reached inside her to take the baby.

She struggled even harder and screamed louder. No, he couldn’t take her baby. It was Alex’s baby. It was her last link to Alex.

“No!” she screamed. “Alex! Alex!” She screamed and sobbed at the same time.

The pain and pressure increased and Devin moved his hand farther in. She continued to struggle and scream, but Devin just laughed. She felt a movement inside her and Devin pulled his hand out, holding a bloody mass. Alex’s baby!

Anna closed her eyes and turned away, sickened by the sight. She fell back on the table and sobbed. “Alex...”

A sharp pain erupted from Anna’s cheek and she opened her eyes. She was outside. The sky above her was dark, but a large eagle towered above her, dancing in the firelight.

“It’s time to wake, Mistress.” Devin walked into her line of vision with a wicked smile. “The men want you.”

Anna blinked and sat up. She was on the platform on a table. She gasped and looked down at her body. Her stomach was flat once again. “Ma—Master?”

“Did you like your dream?”

She stared at him for a long moment. “A... a dream?” She could almost feel Alex’s presence.

Devin pulled her to sit up and then stand. Down in the grass below, men and women were naked and fucking in a giant orgy. She winced when she heard screams of young girls.

“They want you, too.” He took her hand and pulled her down the stairs. The president stood there, looking at her. “Especially him.” Devin pushed her into his arms and the other man grabbed her by her hair and tossed her down to the ground. “Enjoy.”

She tried to get away, but he held her by her hair and pushed her face into the ground. She felt him behind her and then a ripping pain in her ass tore through her body and she screamed as he fucked her into the ground.

When he finished, he sat her up and pushed her forward into another man’s arms. She was pushed and pulled from man to man all night long. After a while, her body went numb and she went through the motions in a dream-like state. It was so much easier to deal with the abuse if she pretended it wasn’t real.