Anna tried not to react to Devin’s words. The hunt... Oh, why did she have to participate?
“I’m not ‘all the other men.’ I’m your son.” Tyler crossed his arms over his chest.
“Tyler, you’re almost twenty-four years old and going to be married in a few months. Stop pouting.”
Tyler growled. “I hate the ‘no sex ’til you’re married’ shit.”
“Only with April. If you need a fuck, go to the Manor.”
“It’s a pain in the ass to do that.”
“If you don’t stop complaining, I’ll give you a pain in the ass.”
Tyler frowned and looked away, but stopped complaining.
Devin sighed. “You can have her on Sunday before you fly back to school. How does that sound?”
Tyler grinned. “Cool.”
Anna swallowed and stared at the floor. She hated these weekends. It was times like these she especially missed Alex. He would make sure she wasn’t hurt. He wouldn’t allow?—
But he wasn’t around to save her anymore.
Devin had free rein to use Anna however he pleased, both in terms of her physical body and her abilities to persuade others. Though he had punished her on numerous occasions for failing to convince someone to comply with his wishes. She didn’t know why she’d failed. She’d done her best, but it had done no good. Thankfully he hadn’t called on her to help in a long time. But he still took pleasure in reminding her that despite her uselessness, having her by his side enhanced his image.
Devin opened the door to their suite and he and Anna walked inside. Tyler had gone to his own room.
“Thank you for not letting Tyler take me,” Anna said softly.
Devin frowned at her. “You don’t like my son?” He arched a brow.
Anna blinked. “He hurts me.”
“So do I.”
“You’re my Master. And you don’t always hurt me.” Anna smiled up at him, praying she hadn’t offended him.
Devin’s frown deepened. “When I am no longer Elder, Tyler will become your Master.”
Anna’s mouth dropped opened in surprise.
He laughed. “Didn’t think about that, did you?”
Anna shook her head, defeated. She didn’t know what she’d expected after Devin died, but she hadn’t considered the possibility that Tyler would become her Master.
“I think if you fear Tyler more than you fear me, I’m doing something wrong.” Devin took a step toward her, his voice low. “Remove your clothing.”
Anna hastily undressed, trembling and wishing she hadn’t said anything.
Devin’s eyes flashed with rage as he slapped her hard. She grabbed her stinging cheek, tears in her eyes. “You used to fear me, Anna.” He sighed. “Unfortunately, I can’t fully remind you why you should fear me until after tomorrow night. I need that baby healthy and alert.” He grabbed her chin and held it firm. “But after this weekend, I think we’ll take a trip out to the Manor to remind you just how much you should fear me.”
“No...” Her knees trembled and she struggled to stay on her feet. “Please, Devin. Don’t. I do fear you!”
Devin smiled wickedly. “You do now, but I think I need to reinforce it a bit.” He stepped back and slapped her again. “That’s for calling me by my name.” He backhanded her and she fell to the floor. “That’s for insulting my son.”
He pulled her up by her hair, dragged her into the bedroom, and threw her on the bed. “I can’t do everything I’d like to, but I can do some things.” He rummaged around in his bag until he produced a syringe.
Anna’s eyes widened and she crawled backward on the bed. “Please... no...” She whimpered, staring at the needle.