Jackie’s eyebrows furrowed as she shifted her gaze between Anna and Dariya, her lips parting in uncertainty.
Peter finally appeared, his face unreadable. “Mama. Papa.” He greeted them with kisses on the cheek. “I didn’t know you would be here.”
Mikhail frowned at Peter and spoke in Russian.
Peter nodded and put up his hand, then gave Anna an apologetic smile. “Devin would like to speak to you.”
Anna nodded and hurried away, glad to be away from the family tension. As she approached Devin, though, her apprehension rose.
He frowned when he saw her. “Why didn’t you call me when you left Peter?”
“I-I’m sorry, Devin.” She twisted her fingers together and stared up into his face, trying to figure out if he was going to punish her for not anticipating him wanting her to call. “I was... settling in.”
Devin looked at her for a long time without speaking. “He’s been married for a while now. How are you doing with that?”
Anna knew he wasn’t asking to be nice. He was asking to make sure she wouldn’t lose it and go crazy again. “I-I’m okay.” She smiled sadly. “We went into it knowing it was just for appearances. I can’t begrudge him having a real relationship. Especially with someone that looks like her.”
Devin didn’t respond and Anna stayed silent.
“He assured me she would be gone by the end of the week. I want you back in the apartment the day she leaves. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Devin.”
“You’ve matured, Anna. You’re much more stable than you used to be. I’m pleased to see it.”
“Thank you, Devin.” She paused and bit her lip. “Do... do you know what happened to my wedding rings? And Alex’s band?”
Devin studied her with narrowed eyes. “Why?”
“I’d like to know where they are, if they can be found. Not to wear, but...” She sighed. “I know I belong to you and I’ll never have any sort of real relationship. I just... would like to have them. For the memories.”
He gave a sharp nod. “I know where they are. I’ll get them for you next time I’m at the Manor.”
“Thank you, Devin.”
Devin looked amused. “Maybe I’ll have you come stay with me this week since Peter is busy. It’s a shame to let your pussy go unused.”
“If you’d like, Devin,” she whispered. The thought of being with him every night made her shiver. But he was her Master and it was her duty to please him.
“I understand you have access to a car?”
She nodded. “Alex’s.”
“Good. Get what you need for the week and plan on staying with me until Dariya’s gone.” He smiled. Not a nice smile.
“Yes, Devin.”
Chapter 37
Spring arrived and Anna’s restlessness grew. Another Gathering was approaching, and she was all too aware of what would happen. Her attachment to the baby had deepened, despite her attempts to distance herself due to its inevitable fate. This emotional turmoil left her in a state of quiet depression. She knew Peter was worried about her, but she didn’t dare tell Peter about what would happen. Devin had explicitly forbidden her from doing so. While Peter initially had no intention of attending the Gathering, Anna overheard Aaron encouraging him to reconsider.
Anna made arrangements to take time off from dancing before and after the Gathering. Isaak expressed his concerns about her absence, but she assured him she would return. If nothing else, Devin would make sure she kept dancing, no matter what happened.
The Thursday morning before the Gathering, Anna went to the hotel with Devin and Tyler. Anna shuddered every time Tyler looked at her and prayed Devin wouldn’t let him take her to his room.
Tyler leered at her in the elevator. “Dad, can I have Anna for a bit?”
“No. She needs to be in one piece for me.” Devin put his arm around Anna and rubbed her belly. She hated when he did that, but she didn’t dare change her facial expression. “You can hunt for her tomorrow night like all the other men.”