“I agree,” Peter said. “Isaak mentioned the possibility once she’s promoted to principal.”

Principal? Isaak was already thinking about that? Oh, the prospect of dancing with Peter and Aaron thrilled her. Anna was grateful she didn’t have to make the decision about her partner. Choosing between the two would have been impossible.

Devin and Vlad walked away for a bit and the family continued visiting. When they returned, Devin looked pleased.

“Anna, may I borrow you for a few minutes?” Devin offered her his arm.

Anna swallowed and nodded, slipping her hand through the proffered arm.

“You danced well, Anna. I was very pleased.”

“Thank you, Devin.”

“You have been doing very well in everything lately, Anna. You’ve even managed to charm Vlad, which is not easy to do.”

“I did? I thought he disliked me.”

Devin shook his head and guided her around a corner, where there were fewer people. “No. He said he understood why I wanted you.” He looked around, opened a door, and pushed Anna inside before joining her. It was a small janitor’s closet and Devin closed the door and turned the light on. He turned her around and kissed her neck while pulling her skirt up. “I don’t get nearly enough of you anymore,” he murmured before delving his fingers inside her panties.

Anna leaned her hands on the wall and moaned softly as he thrust his fingers in and out. He straightened suddenly and, a moment later, was pushing her up against the wall with his cock inside her. They both panted as he rammed himself repeatedly into her body.

“Come for me, Baby,” he whispered, and Anna did a moment later. He drove himself deeper inside her and groaned as he came. “I needed that.”

They fixed their clothing and emerged from the room a few minutes later.

“I think I want you to stay with me once a week. Both of my daughters have gone off to college and Sandy’s... well, Sandy’s gone, too.” He grinned and gave a small shrug. “But I don’t have to explain your presence to anyone.” He glanced at her. “So, while performances are going on, I want you on Monday evenings. Peter can bring you over and I’ll drop you off at the studio on my way to work on Tuesday morning.”

“Yes, Devin.”

“Tell Peter, as I won’t likely have a chance. Come at... oh, seven-thirty will be fine.”

“Yes, Devin.”

Anna told Peter about Devin’s new demands as they lay in bed that night.

Peter rolled to his side and propped his head up on his fist. “Every Monday?”

Anna nodded. “While there are performances.”

Peter sighed. “I guess it could be worse. He could want you every night.” He leaned over to kiss her. “I don’t know if I could part with you more than one night a week.” He slid his hand down her bare hip. “I like having you in bed with me.”

Anna smiled up at him. “I’d rather be here with you, too.”

His eyes softened. “It makes me glad to hear you say that.”

Something brushed her hip, and she looked down and grinned. “Again?”

Peter shrugged. “Can’t help it.” He rolled on top of her and captured her lips with his.

Chapter 34

The daily Nutcracker performances made the next month fly by faster than Anna would have preferred. A few days before Christmas, her morning sickness made its unwelcome appearance. The first morning, Anna woke up and rushed to the bathroom before Peter realized what was happening. It wasn’t long before he followed, and when he saw her sitting on the floor, he wet a washcloth and dabbed her face and neck. It became a sad daily routine until the day after Nutcracker closed and Peter left for St. Petersburg.

Anna put on her best brave face as she rode with Peter to the airport. She didn’t want him to feel guilty. She could see his reluctance to leave in his eyes, but she knew his duty to Dariya and The Brotherhood demanded his attention. Determined not to let depression overcome her again, she drove his car back home, but the eerie quiet of the apartment challenged her resolution. And the next day—what would have been the third anniversary of her marriage to Alex—proved almost too much.

With no demands from Devin, she gave herself one day to mourn her loss. One day to stay in bed, staring at Alex’s picture on her nightstand for hours, missing him so much it nearly suffocated her. Each heartbeat ached with grief for the life they’d not shared.

Most of the week that Peter was gone, Anna kept to herself. Jenna came over one afternoon and they hung out, but for the most part, Anna was content to be alone. Peter had sent a text message letting her know he had arrived safely, but she didn’t hear from him again. She hadn’t really expected to, though.