“How so?”

Alex looked out the window into the dark night. “She’s more human than Immortal. She’s sweet. Kind. Thoughtful.” He pressed his lips together. “Sensitive. But so strong.” He glared at Vlad. “She survived Devin and Jack’s abuse still able to feel and to love. Most people would have turned into sociopaths after being raised like she was.”

Vlad nodded. “You still love her?”

“More than anything.”

Vlad was quiet for a long moment. “What do you think of Devin?”

Alex’s jaw clenched and he glared at the Russian. “I don’t want to be beaten.”

Vlad waved his hand in the air. “I truly want to know what he’s like. My father and he are close, but I’ve recently learned some things that have called into question the truth about what my father has told me about him.”

“Like what?”

“You first.”

Alex studied the other man’s face. “He’s an evil, sadistic bastard that will do anything to get what he wants.”

A smile tugged at Vlad’s lips, and he stood and walked to the window, leaning his hip on the sill. “Do you see her?”

“See who?”


Alex pressed his lips together. “I’ve been here for three years. How would I see her?”

“When she dreams of you.”

Alex’s jaw dropped open. How did he?—

“I saw Anna when I went to visit my brother last weekend. Peter brought Anna and she had a dream of you.”

Alex stared. “What’s she doing with Peter?”

“Devin asked him to move to San Francisco to date her. To keep an eye on her.” Vlad jutted his jaw. “She’s not what I expected.”

Alex’s mind whirred with the idea of Peter being with Anna. He’d met Peter several times. He seemed like a nice enough guy, but he was Vitaly’s grandson. How much was he like his grandfather?

“Peter treats her well. She’s happy.”

Alex looked away. Was that why she looked so happy? Had she fallen in love with Peter?

“So, do you see her?”

Alex clenched his jaw. “Why do you want to know?”

“She says she dreams of you, but that they’re not real, like they used to be.” Vlad’s eyes softened. “Are they real?”

Alex studied him for a few minutes. He let out a long breath and nodded. “Yes, she comes here. I let her think they’re dreams because she gets upset when I try to tell her otherwise.”

Vlad nodded. “I suspected as much. Did Devin know she dreamed of you?”

“I don’t know. I would suspect he did. There wasn’t much he didn’t know about her.”

Vlad turned to look out the window. “Thank you. You may return to your room.”

Alex stared at the man’s back for a long minute before standing and leaving the office. Why had he wanted to know about Anna’s dreams?