She didn’t know how Devin would want her to respond. Would he be upset if she told Vlad about his abuse? Sometimes Devin freely told people how he kept her in line. Other times, he made sure to treat her nicely around people. “He is my Master. He can treat me as he wants to.” It wasn’t an answer, but she didn’t know what else to say.
Vlad frowned at her. “Does he treat you well? Is he affectionate?”
Anna hugged her knees even tighter. “Sometimes.”
“Does he hurt you?”
Vlad frowned. “Do you ever give straight answers?”
Anna swallowed. “I try. I don’t know how he would want me to answer you.”
Vlad narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. “You cannot answer as you want to?”
“I don’t want to get punished.”
Vlad and Mikhail glanced at each other. “He punishes you?”
Anna nodded. “When I misbehave.”
“Do you misbehave often?”
“I try not to. I try to be good, but...” Anna sighed. “I seem to always anger him.”
“You enjoy angering him?”
Anna shook her head emphatically. “No, not at all.”
“What was Alex like?”
Anna’s chest tightened at the change of subject and she flinched. “Why do you ask me that?”
Vlad shrugged his shoulders. “Curiosity, I suppose. Why would an Elder-Mistress choose to marry? It would seem... counter-productive to your natural desires.”
“Natural desires?”
“To be with men. Why tie yourself down with marriage?”
“Tie down?” Anna blinked. “Alex... He freed me. He kept Devin from hurting me. Or at least he did until he died.” She took a breath, willing the tears away. “They were the happiest days of my entire life.”
“You seemed rather upset when he died.”
She stared at Vlad. Upset was a complete understatement. “My whole world came crashing down around me the day I found out he was gone. Alex... loved me. Unlike anyone had ever loved me before. He protected me. I thought he was invincible.” Tears welled up in her eyes. “I thought he couldn’t die.” Her voice cracked.
“Everyone dies, Anna.”
“But with the bonding and everything, I thought—” She sniffed. “I guess I was wrong.” She wanted to run up to the bedroom and go to sleep. The questions made old wounds feel new and raw again.
“Bonds do not prevent death.”
She nodded and stared at her hands, willing the tears to go away.
“That was almost three years ago and you are still upset about it? You were only married three months.”
Anna shrugged. Was she being overdramatic? Should she have moved on by now? But there was nothing to move on to. “Alex was my only hope. He was the only one that Devin couldn’t hurt. And now...” She gave a sad shrug. “There’s nothing left, except Devin.” A hell-filled life with my Master. She closed her eyes and shook her head. “Nothing.”