Vlad strode silently into the kitchen about a half hour later. “Nina apologizes, but she is not feeling well and has decided to take a nap. She is hoping to make it for dinner, but we will have to see.”

Jackie frowned at Vlad. “She was fine earlier.”

“A sudden headache.” He glanced at Anna and then left the room as silently as he had entered it.

Jackie stared at the entryway where Vlad had just left with a puzzled look on her face, and then sighed. “Well, Anna. Would you like to learn how to make an apple pie?”

The rest of the afternoon passed quickly. Jackie showed Anna how to roll pie dough and prepare it for filling. Anna was amazed at how complicated it was, but enjoyed it all the same. Her apple pie wasn’t nearly as beautiful as Jackie’s pies, but it smelled good and Anna was pleased with the result.

When the turkey came out of the oven mid-afternoon, Anna helped set the table and set out the many dishes of food. She grinned, proud of all she had done to help, and felt better than she had in a long time. The men came in a few minutes later, along with a pale Nina, and they all sat down.

Dinner was delicious. Peter teased Anna quietly that he would have her start cooking back home.

Anna helped clear the table after everyone finished and she took a pile of plates from Nina and smiled. “Are you feeling better?”

Nina looked at her with sad eyes and nodded.

Vlad spoke sharply in Russian and Nina hurried away. The rest of the evening, Nina kept quiet and avoided any contact with Anna. Anna wondered what she had done to upset Nina. Or Vlad, as was more likely the case. She knew Vlad didn’t like her. Maybe he didn’t want Nina liking her either. Or maybe he was concerned that Anna would tell Nina about what had happened the night before?

Later in the evening, when it was time for dessert, Anna beamed when her apple pie disappeared before any of the others. Jackie praised her, and Anna blushed and hid behind Peter.

Vlad narrowed his eyes. “You made this?”

“Yes.” She glanced at Jackie, a warmth filling her chest. “With Jackie’s help. I... couldn’t have done it without her help.”

Vlad stared at her for a moment, then continued eating the pie without another word.

Chapter 31

Peter snuck Anna upstairs to his room later while the rest of the family was occupied with evening activities and locked the door. “I hate sleeping alone.” He walked quickly across the room to Anna and kissed her soundly. “We have to be quick, but I promise when we get home I’ll make it up to you.”

They returned downstairs about a half-hour later and watched a movie with his family. She sat with Peter on the couch and he held her close. Anna was drifting off to sleep when Peter’s phone rang.

She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost midnight. “Who is it?”

Peter looked troubled when he looked at his phone. Anna couldn’t read the name in the Cyrillic alphabet. “I have to take this. I’ll be back.” He stood and answered the phone in Russian as he walked away.

Only Vlad and Mikhail remained in the room. The rest of the family had gone to bed earlier. Anna glanced awkwardly at them and then stared hard at the TV.

“Dariya,” Vlad said a moment later. He looked at Anna. “You know he has a girlfriend, right? A proper girlfriend?”

Anna flushed and looked at her hands. “Yes.” She hated the reminder and hated the ache in her heart, knowing that eventually Peter would return to St. Petersburg and marry Dariya. Why couldn’t she stay aloof from men and not get attached?

“That bothers you?” Vlad sounded surprised.

Anna looked at him and nodded. “It shouldn’t, but yes, it does.” She hugged her knees to her chest and rested her chin on top.

“Did it upset you, what I did yesterday?”

Anna bit her lip. “In the garden?”

Vlad nodded.

Anna didn’t know how to answer that without offending him. She bit her lip, and finally decided to be honest, as Devin preferred. “I didn’t like it.”

Vlad leaned back in his chair and studied her. “How does Devin treat you?”

Anna’s eyes widened. “Is that a trick question?”