“Are you close to him?”
Anna stared at the table and chewed her lip, trying to decide how to answer the question. “I don’t like him.” She was surprised she’d said the words aloud. She’d never dared before.
“I didn’t mean to bring up unsettling memories, Anna,” Jackie said. “Forgive me.”
“It’s okay.” She finished wiping the table in silence. Nina changed the subject, talking about her daughter’s upcoming wedding. Anna didn’t pay much attention. Instead, she immersed herself in memories of Alex and his family.
Jackie kept Anna busy all day. She peeled potatoes and cut up fruits and vegetables. Jackie and Nina made pies and Natalya helped with both. Anna handed Nina a bowl of cut apples and Nina caught sight of Anna’s wedding band.
“What a pretty ring. May I?” Nina reached for her hand.
Anna nodded timidly and held her hand out for Nina to see.
“Is that a... oh, what is it called in English... poesy ring, I think it is called?”
Anna nodded again.
Nina looked at her thoughtfully. “Are you married?”
Jackie and Natalya both stopped and looked at her.
“I was.” She pulled her hand away and rubbed the ring, wincing at the memory. “He died.”
“When?” Nina asked softly.
“Two-and-a-half years ago. We were together for less than three months when—when it happened.” She looked away to hide her tears.
“What was his name?”
“Was he German?”
Anna looked at Nina, surprised at her question. “Yes.”
Nina frowned. “Excuse me a moment, will you?” She hurried out of the room and Anna looked at Jackie.
“Did I do something?”
Jackie shook her head. “No. I don’t—I don’t know what’s wrong.” She smiled. “Those apples are perfectly cut. Do you cook a lot?”
Anna smiled, thankful for the change of subject. “No. Peter and I eat takeout or microwave meals. Though he cooks occasionally.”
“You live together?” Natalya asked with wide eyes. “But I thought?—”
“Nati, why don’t you ask Papa to pick out the wine for tonight?”
“But Mama?—”
Jackie raised her eyebrows at her daughter, and Natalya dutifully turned away and went in search of her father.
“I’m sorry if I said something I shouldn’t have.” Anna shook her head. “I... I’ve been told I’m socially awkward.”
Jackie smiled at her. “Don’t worry about it. You’re doing fine. I’m sorry if we ask you uncomfortable questions. We just didn’t know you and Peter were so serious. He only told us you met when he came back here.”
Anna sighed. “Yeah. It’s . . . complicated.”
Jackie changed the subject and after Natalya returned a few minutes later, the mood in the kitchen lightened.