“Has he hurt you before?”
“He likes it.”
“You looked scared when you saw him. You knew he would hurt you?”
She nodded.
“Why did you let him come in?”
“What do you mean?”
“If you knew he would hurt you, why would you let him come in? Haven’t you told Devin?”
Anna frowned, confused and not sure how to answer his question. She didn’t even understand why he was asking it.
Peter’s eyes flashed. “Anna, why haven’t you told Devin that he hurts you?”
“He... he knows. Zach’s always been like this with me.”
Peter rolled out of bed and walked to the window, standing with his hands on his hips and looking out into the night. Anna didn’t move, but watched his chest expand and contract beneath his blue t-shirt. Suddenly he wheeled around and looked at her. “Let me get this straight: Devin knows what that man does to you and still allows him to come to you?”
“Of course.” She sat up on her hip. “Most of the men who have visited me are like him. It’s why I was raised the way I was. They can use me as they want and Devin gets what he wants out of them. I heal quickly.” She paused and looked at the floor. “Or at least I used to,” she added softly.
“Is this what Aaron was talking about when he said that bruise was the least of what Devin does to you?”
“I don’t know. Maybe. I don’t know what Aaron knows.”
“Has Devin always been this way?”
“What way?”
“I... not always. He was nice to me when I was little. And when Alex was alive, he treated me well. Alex made sure of that.” She twisted her wedding ring on her finger.
Peter ran his hands through his hair and looked troubled. “Go to sleep. I need to go out for a little while.”
Anna knew better than to ask him what he was doing and simply nodded and untied her robe.
“Do you want the TV on?”
A flash of fear rushed through Anna’s body. “No, thank you,” she whispered. “I’m fine.”
He kissed her on the head and then left the room. The apartment door opened and shut a few minutes later. She turned out the lights, curled up under the covers, and cried herself to sleep.
Chapter 23
Arms were around her when Anna woke the next morning. She was on her side with one arm across her upper chest and another around her waist. Peter. But why? They’d met over six weeks ago and he had never held her before, unless other people were around. She glanced at the clock and knew the alarm would go off in less than a minute. She slowly shifted her body, trying to untangle herself from his arms before he woke. He wouldn’t be happy if he woke up this close to her.
“Anna, what are you doing?”
Anna froze. “I didn’t want you to know you were holding me.”
“I wouldn’t be holding you if I didn’t want to.”
Anna didn’t speak for a moment. “You’ve never held me in bed before.”
“Maybe I was wrong not to.”