Her brows furrowed. “More?”

His smile deepened. “When you became... angry before, do you remember what you did?”

She shook her head.

He nodded toward Devin. “You transferred your memories to him. Everything he did to you will haunt him for the rest of his life. Your memories now live in his mind and will become more real to him than reality.” The Immortal grimaced. “I could not conceive of a more terrible punishment than that.”

“Even death?”

“Death is the end, Daughter. Life. Human life can be a gift or a punishment. His punishment will continue, day and night, until his natural life is over.”

She looked over at Devin. Alex had stepped back and she saw only the spikes were left. Devin turned desperate eyes to stare at her, his jaw trembling. “Please, Mistress... have mercy...”

She chewed her lip. “And what happens after he dies?”

Kronos didn’t respond and she looked up to see him nodding at Alex.

Anna turned back to see Alex fiddle with the tool in his hand, as if hesitant to proceed. Her heart ached for her husband. She loved him. So much. Kronos had offered to free her, not only from her slavery and position of Elder-Mistress, but also from her marriage. She and Alex had only married so he could protect her from Devin. When that was no longer needed, would Alex still want her as his wife? Would he still love her?

Alex glanced over at his father. Alex was a good man. A very good man who wasn’t driven by revenge, even though he had every right to tear Devin apart limb by limb.

When Alex looked at her, her heart pounded at the love she saw in his eyes. She opened her heart and felt every ounce of his love for her. She knew right then and there that she could not let Kronos break their marriage bond. They belonged together. He was a part of her and she was a part of him. To separate them... Was Kronos powerful enough to separate two rivers that had joined together into one? Which drops of water belonged to which river? It was impossible to know. It was the same thing with their souls, their spirits, their love. Even Kronos, the great Immortal Father, wouldn’t be able to separate them.

Anna smiled at Alex, hoping he could feel her own love for him. His eyes softened, and he gave her a gentle smile. He knew. She sighed in happiness.

Alex looked back at Devin’s cock and grasped the band of metal. Anna briefly wondered if she would feel his pain.

Anna winced and squeezed her eyes shut, leaning back against Kronos and bracing for the pain. He gently squeezed her shoulder.

There was a terrible ripping sound and Devin let out a horrifying scream.

Devin’s pain was his own. She opened her eyes and saw Devin collapse onto the floor in a heap, tears streaming down his face, his body shaking with silent sobs.

The American Elders turned and walked away, leaving Devin alone in his suffering. Like she had always been.

There was a sick gratification in hearing Devin’s scream as Alex ripped the horrible piece of metal from Devin’s cock. Surely it was only a fraction of the pain Devin had inflicted upon Anna over the years, but Alex was satisfied that he had finally been able to get a tiny slice of revenge.

With a grim smile on his face, Alex stood over the trembling, crying man. How many times had Devin stood over Anna while she sobbed in pain?

He turned and walked away, feeling no remorse or pity.

The room was silent, save for Devin’s whimpering. All the Elders had seen the consequences of Devin’s actions. A warning to any man who would consider doing something similar in the future.

Kronos went to kneel behind Devin and put his hand on his head. “I remove the Immortal essence from your body. You are no longer an Elder.”

Devin cried out and arched his back for a long minute and then went limp, staring off into space. Had Kronos killed him? He finally blinked and Alex knew he was alive.

Kronos returned to Anna and laid a gentle hand on her head. “I free you from your bonds of slavery and your obligations as Elder-Mistress.”

Alex grunted at the sharp pain in his head. Devin jerked on the floor. Alex looked at Anna and his heart swelled at the smile on her face. Her eyes sparkled more than he’d ever seen them. She was finally free. And it was beautiful.

Alex’s stomach twisted as he realized what was coming next. Kronos would sever their marriage bond. He squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his fist. When the bond was severed, would it shred his heart to pieces? How could it not?

“The woman standing in front of you is a free woman,” Kronos said loudly.

Alex’s eyes snapped open. Kronos stood behind a smiling, peaceful Anna. The Anna Alex knew from their wedding day. Oh, he didn’t need to think about that day. It hurt too much.

“She is no longer an Elder-Mistress. She is no longer a slave.”