“Mmm. A little. Not bad though.”

“When we are done, would you like to spend a few days here before we go back to New York? We can see our old house.”

Anna smiled. “Yes, I’d like that.”

Twenty minutes later, Anna was nearly asleep again, but sat up straight when the American Elders approached the platform as a group. Alex helped her into a white dress someone had brought her as Tom walked up the stairs and turned to face the Elders. He held up his hands, but before he could speak, a blinding light filled the room. She squinted and then whimpered when she saw several Immortals had appeared, including Kaveh and Val.

Alex hugged her to his chest. “They won’t hurt you, Anna,” he murmured against her hair. “But look.”

Anna frowned but looked again at the group of Immortals. She gasped. “Daddy?” She scrambled out of Alex’s embrace and ran into her father’s open arms.

Trevor held her close. “Oh, Anna. My Anna.”

Tears streamed down her face. “You’re here? Can you stay?”

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I can only stay as long as the others are here.”

She looked up into his crystal-blue eyes and sighed. How she missed him!

He tucked her hair behind her ear. “You look so much like your mother,” he whispered.

Anna smiled. “So I’ve been told.”

He grinned and then looked up as Alex approached. They nodded to each other.

“I’m sorry I failed you and Anna that night, Trevor.” He gave Anna a mournful look. “I won’t fail her again.”

Trevor smiled. “Just love her. That’s all I can ask.”

“I do. So much.” Alex squeezed her hand.

Tom stepped aside and the biggest Immortal Anna had ever seen climbed the steps and turned to look over the assembly of Elders. He was taller than Alex by a foot and his jet-black hair was pulled back into a tail held in place with golden ties. His crystal-blue eyes were of a similar color to her father’s, but were filled with ancient wisdom. He wore a white linen tunic and pants edged in gold and diamonds. Two Immortals, a few inches shorter, dressed in white without the diamond adornments, stood at the bottom of the steps on either side of him, golden spears in their hands.

When he spoke, his voice reverberated in Anna’s chest and nearly shook the stone walls of the Hall. “I am Kronos, Father of the Immortals.” He paused and looked around the room once more. “I have learned of the deeds of my Immortal children. For the abuse of our Daughter. For enabling a human to perform forbidden rituals. For acting against the sacred agreement between humans and Immortals. I do pass judgment on them and they shall be punished accordingly.” He looked around again. “I do not judge the deeds of humans. That is your job as Elders.”

He frowned and Anna would have sworn every man in the room shuddered. “I am displeased with how you have allowed this great misdeed to occur. Our Daughters are gifts to you, to aid you in your endeavors.” He extended his arm and pointed at Devin, who cowered and shook. “You have allowed this man to abuse my Daughter in the worst form.” His blue eyes glowed gold with anger. “Nothing like this has been seen in centuries, and it is despicable. Those who have kept the forbidden tomes are given a final warning to destroy them, or we will remove our Daughters from your world, leaving you to your own destruction.” Kronos lifted his chin and nodded slowly.

Then he turned to Anna and held out his hand. “Come to me, Daughter.”

Anna stood and walked to the huge Immortal, her legs shaking terribly. She fell to her knees at his feet.

Chapter 183

Alex watched Anna kneel at the feet of Kronos. What would the Immortal do to her? Would he take her away from him? Because he’d failed to protect her? Oh, please don’t take my love from me.

Kronos’ piercing blue eyes met Alex’s. The gaze was so intense it made him step back and he sighed in relief when the Immortal’s gaze turned to Devin. Devin trembled.

Kronos turned back to Alex. “You would free our Daughter if you had the opportunity?”

“Y-yes. I would.”

“Even if it meant she might leave you? I can undo the marriage bond as well.”

Alex swallowed over a lump that had suddenly formed in his throat. His eyes burned and a knife dug into his heart at the thought of losing Anna again. He glanced at his love, who watched him with those big green eyes he loved so much.

What if she chose Kurt? Or Hugo? If she were free, she might decide that she didn’t belong at his side any longer. It was tempting, oh-so tempting, to say no. To keep her where she was: with him. But did he want to force her to be with him if she truly wanted to be with someone else?

No. He wanted her to choose him, not to be with him because she was forced to. He loved her too much to do that to her. If you love something, let it go... Only this time, she would really be free to make her own choice. There was no safety net if he said yes to Kronos. He could lose her forever.