Kurt looked up at Alex with a pained look. “I wouldn’t mind trying to work things out with her, but I don’t know if I could ever trust her again. Not after...”
Alex nodded. “If Anna wants to, we will stay in New York through Nutcracker before returning to Germany. Perhaps you could stay with us. She has several nice friends.”
Kurt shrugged. “Maybe.” A tiny smile tugged at his lips.
Alex smiled. “Even Jasmine’s changed. She’s actually a pretty nice girl.”
Kurt raised his brow. “What happened?”
“Sebastian healed some past hurts.”
Kurt looked thoughtful for a moment. “I always thought Anna’s friend Stefanie was pretty.”
Alex laughed. “She is. You just have to treat Anna well. She’s very protective of her.”
“I know. She yelled at me the last time she saw me.”
Alex laughed even harder. It wasn’t hard to imagine Stefanie doing so.
“What are you two laughing about?”
Alex looked up to see his father approaching with amusement in his eyes. “Trying to hook up Kurt with one of Anna’s friends.”
Wilhelm smiled and shook his head. “My sons...” He crouched down and stroked Anna’s head. “Do you think she should be woken?”
“Is it alright to do so?”
“I don’t see why not. She should see what happens. I will release her memories.” Wilhelm put his hand on her head and closed his eyes.
Anna inhaled deeply as she slowly woke. She opened her eyes and looked around at the three familiar German faces around her. She blinked, trying to orient herself, and studied each anxious face. Her eyes focused on Alex and she smiled. “Alex...”
His grin made her heart skip a beat, and he pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly. “Oh, mein Schatzi...” he murmured against her lips. “Oh, these last few weeks have been hell without you, but imagining what you’ve been going through...” Alex shuddered and she felt his distress for her at the forefront of his emotions.
She squinted, trying to remember... anything... everything. The last few weeks were a blur. “I was—” She sat up and looked around. Devin sat on the edge of the platform, head hung and hands clasped in between his knees. Sebastian towered over him, watching him closely. “He... he found me... I—” She looked up at Alex. “Why didn’t I remember you while I was here?”
“Vati blocked your memories so that you wouldn’t tell Devin about me.”
Wilhelm took her hand. “Forgive me, Liebling, but I had no other choice.”
Anna nodded and rested her head on Alex’s chest and closed her eyes. Safe.
When she opened her eyes, Kurt was watching her with sad eyes, and she sat up and reached for him. He glanced at Alex, and Alex loosened his arms around her. She moved to her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I will always love you, Kurt,” she whispered. Kurt squeezed her hard. “I owe you my life,” she said softly, remembering the night they’d met in this very room. Everything had changed that night.
He held her for a few minutes and then released her, gently pushing her back into Alex’s arms. “That is where you belong, although you will always hold a piece of my heart.” He kissed her head, and then stood and walked across the room to Peter and Tommy.
Anna snuggled into Alex’s chest, burying her face in his soft white robe. He wrapped the blanket around her and held her tightly, rocking her gently.
Wilhelm kissed her head and patted Alex on the shoulder. “Let me see if I can find someone to bring you some clothes, Liebling.”
Alex kissed her head. “How are you feeling, Schatzi?”
“Wonderful...” It was heavenly, being in Alex’s arms again.
He chuckled. “I meant your injuries.”
“Oh.” She giggled softly and he squeezed her. “I feel okay. Tired mostly.” She could still feel the pain of what Devin had done to her, but it was nothing compared to the elation of being in Alex’s arms once more.
“Are you hurting?”