“By Devin’s orders, we were to be held in Russia until Anna turned twenty-six and the final ritual could be performed. He couldn’t kill me because of the bond I share with Anna, so he had me imprisoned, and everyone believed me and my team had been killed.” He paused and took in a deep breath as the memories threatened to consume him. “Three of my men died trying to escape, and the rest were nearly beaten to death—more than once—with Devin’s blessing. We were imprisoned for four years. Four years of our lives wasted. Four years for that man,” he jabbed a finger at Devin, “to abuse the woman I love. That so many of us love. A sweet, loving, incredible woman. An Elder-Mistress. Four. Years.”
Held in Sebastian’s tight grip, Devin realized everything he had worked so hard for was slipping through his fingers. He stared at the floor, feeling the condemnation of the world’s Elders as Alex told them how Devin had abused Anna and consumed her powers in order to become the Chairman. He told them how he had been able to completely take control of Anna with Alex out of the picture.
Tom had betrayed him. Only he could have told Alex everything he was sharing with the Elders. Tom had kept Devin from finding her all these months while she was in New York. Tom had helped her escape, along with Vlad, Brandon, and Wilhelm, and their damn Sons.
His mind searched for a way out of the mess. For a plausible explanation the Elders would believe and accept. But he couldn’t focus on anything for more than a moment before dark images filled his mind. Dark images that became clearer with each minute that passed. He saw himself, whip in hand, lashing out, and somehow he felt the brutal kiss of leather on his nipple. He nearly cried out with the pain.
He buried his face in his hands. If only he could think...
Tyler was dead by Alex’s hand. The room was against him. The most he could hope for was to retain his Elder status under the watchful eye of the rest of the Elders. They wouldn’t strip him of his position... would they?
At long last, Alex stopped speaking. Devin clutched his head, trying to rid himself of the dark images Anna had planted in his mind. Dark memories that he finally realized were her own memories. Somehow, she had given him her memories of all the times he had abused and tortured her. And he could feel her pain...
The room filled with the low rumble of men speaking amongst themselves. After a few minutes, Shaw stood and approached Alex. He studied him for a moment and then walked to Devin, looking down at him and radiating disapproval. “These are serious charges, Devin. Do you deny his accusations?”
Devin gritted his teeth and lifted his head, forcing his mind to focus long enough to sneer at the British Elder. With monumental effort, he shook off Sebastian’s hands and stood. “This is my home country. I did nothing that the other American Elders disapproved of. If they had such a serious problem with what I was doing, they should have said something.”
Brandon stood up in the middle of the crowd. “And risk being killed? By the time we knew exactly what your goals were, you were too powerful to resist.”
Devin rolled his eyes, pleased to feel his composure beginning to return.
“You used Anna to manipulate the dissenters in that hotel room, Devin,” Tom said.
Shaw’s mouth dropped open. “You manipulated your own Elders?”
Devin lifted his chin. “I did what needed to be done. Great things are only accomplished when men take risks.” He glared at Shaw. “This is America. We do as we please.”
“That’s true...” Shaw stroked his chin and then shrugged. “Fine. The American Elders will decide what happens to you.”
Devin’s heart nearly stopped at the realization of why Alex had been given the job of killing the other American Elders and Sons.
Chapter 182
Alex watched Devin as the bastard tried to defend himself. He tried not to show that he was enjoying the panic in the man’s eyes. When Shaw conceded that the matter was up to the American Elders, he was amused to see the man who had terrorized his wife slump to his knees in front of Sebastian. The pain and horror of his expression was gratifying, to say the least.
The American Elders moved to the side of the room to discuss the matter. Surely the older, wiser Elders would be able to convince the younger ones of the best course of action. If not, then they didn’t deserve to be Elders.
He looked around the room, satisfied that he’d done what he’d come to do. The Elders had grouped together by country and seemed to be having intense conversations amongst themselves.
Kurt still held Anna, and Alex walked over and sat on the edge of the platform next to his brother. He reached out and stroked her cheek. “How is she?”
Kurt gave a soft smile. “Sleeping soundly.” Kurt gazed down at her and petted her hair.
A swell of emotion swept through his body. “Thank you for taking care of her, my brother.”
Kurt glanced up at him, surprised. “I hurt her terribly.”
“And she’s forgiven you. Aaron told me how you took care of her when she was catatonic after my disappearance.”
The relationship between the two brothers had remained strained since Alex’s return, though they’d managed to be civil to one another. He hoped, now that things were settled, they could rebuild their relationship.
Kurt pressed his lips together. “I divorced Gretchen so I could marry her.”
“I know. But it’s no great loss to be rid of Gretchen.” Emotion flashed through Kurt’s eyes, which surprised Alex. “You still care for her?”
Kurt shrugged. “I loved her when we married. It’s... lonely being a single father.”
“Do you love her still? Or are you just lonely?”