He frowned at her. “You are being disobedient,” he said slowly and firmly. “This behavior is unacceptable. You do not attack your Master. Sit down.” He kept his voice even and firm, not breaking eye contact. She growled again, and he realized he needed to change tactics. Pain and control caused her to rage in the first place. What she needed now was love.

“Anna, love.” He spun her around and wrapped his arms around her, keeping his hands locked around her wrists. She strained against him, but could not break free. “Schatzi,” he whispered into her ear. “Come back to me, my love. Remember what you are to me. Remember how much I love you.”

She gave a great shudder and he mentally prepared for another fight, but then she sucked in a deep breath and began to relax in his arms. Closing his eyes and hoping she wouldn’t attack him again, he released her wrist and turned her back around so she could see the love in his eyes. Alex opened his heart to her, willing her to feel his love.

To his relief, she stepped back and sat down on her heels, hands on her thighs, head down in a submissive pose.

Alex watched Anna for a moment and then kneeled and lifted her chin to see her eyes. They were still angry, but her pupils were showing again. He sat down on the floor next to her and pulled her into his lap. He rocked her gently and stroked her hair as he spoke softly to her in German. She had always seemed to respond to his native language before, and this time was no different. Her body sagged in his arms a few minutes later. He looked down and saw that she was asleep.

Alex looked around and spotted his brother nearby. “Kurt, would you please hold her?”

Kurt nodded and rushed over. “She’s not going to attack me, is she?”

Alex smiled. “I don’t think so.”

Kurt picked her up and carried her to the far side of the platform, cradling her close and kissing her temple. Alex watched his little brother love on her for a moment and then turned to Devin.

He yanked the man to his feet. “I didn’t do that for you.”

Devin swayed and looked blankly at him. Alex glanced over at Anna. What had she done to him?

Sebastian wrapped his arm around Devin’s shoulders. “Give him to me. You do what you need to do.”

Alex released him into the Immortal’s arms and went to stand at the front of the platform in front of the world Elders. “I am Alexander Kunzberg Herzog von Hessen, son of Wilhelm Kunzberg Herzog von Hessen, Elder of Hessen and Thuringia. The beautiful woman my brother is holding is my precious wife, Anna Kunzberg Herzogin von Hessen, daughter of Trevor and Anya Perkins. I am also a Brotherhood Assassin. My team is known as the Black Eagles.”

Another murmur swept the room. Assassins never identified themselves publicly, and as far as Alex knew, he was the only Elder-Son that was also an Assassin.

Wilhelm proudly watched from the side of the room as his eldest son addressed the world Elders with dignity and confidence. Giving his team’s name could make him vulnerable, but it also let all the Elders know who they were truly listening to, the best Brotherhood Assassin in the present age. It was the simplest, quickest way to gain their respect.

“My wife’s father is an Immortal, but she was not born to be an Elder-Mistress. She was born of love between her parents, and Trevor had no intention of her knowing anything except a normal, loving home.”

Devin, apparently revived by Sebastian, tried to stand, but Sebastian held him down by his shoulder.

“When Anna was born, Devin used an ancient method to claim her for his own with the help of Anna’s guardian, Jack Koslov, who was killed earlier this year.” Alex looked at Devin. “By Anna, when he threatened to return her to you.”

Devin’s eyes widened and he looked at Tom, who raised a condescending eyebrow at his former friend. Wilhelm knew Tom had told Devin that Jack had died at the hands of the mafia.

“Trevor became suspicious of Devin, but before he could do anything, Devin caused a car accident, killing Anya and sending Trevor away. Anna came into the custody of her guardian Jack, who, along with Devin, sexually abused her until she turned sixteen.”

The Elders whispered to one another and shot Devin disapproving looks.

“Before the car accident, Trevor, in a desperate act, contacted my father and asked him to help. My father told me about it, but in my foolishness, I acted against my father’s wishes and missed the opportunity to save Anna.” Alex pressed his lips together and glanced over at Anna, sleeping in Kurt’s arms. Someone had found a blanket, and she was snuggled against Kurt’s chest.

Alex’s voice cracked as he continued. “Devin again claimed Anna on her sixteenth birthday, and then her guardian began training her to become a sex slave for Devin. Jack specialized in the brutal training of Red Girls, though was far more harsh and abusive with Anna because he didn’t have to worry about killing her.” He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. “Just before she turned twenty, she was turned over to Devin.”

Alex opened his eyes and smiled at Wilhelm. “My father, ever wise, finally figured out where Anna had been hidden, and after my first wife died, he directed me to San Francisco. When Anna’s birthday approached, my father visited me there, and through various circumstances, we were able to intervene in Devin’s performance of the Bonding Ritual, which bound her to Devin and myself. I obeyed Trevor and my father to save a Half-Immortal from a cruel fate. I didn’t expect to fall in love with her.”

The men in the room laughed softly. Devin’s face was red with impotent fury, but only for a moment before his whole body spasmed and he brought his hand up to his head. Pain and confusion replaced his anger and he swayed on his feet.

What had Anna done to him?

“Determined to make up for my past mistakes, I set out to find a way to free her from Devin’s hand. After months of research, I discovered that the bond between husband and wife was so strong, it could balance out the power difference between myself, as a Son, and Devin, as an Elder.”

Alex twisted his wedding ring on his right hand. “Anna and I were married at the end of that year in Germany and we returned to San Francisco. As much as I wanted to, I never kept Devin from having Anna, as long as he treated her with respect.”

He was quiet for a few moments, swallowing several times. “Four and a half years ago, I was called out on a job by Vitaly Vladislav Ivanov, Elder of St. Petersburg. Anna and I had only been married a few months.” He motioned in Anna’s direction. “If I didn’t go, I would be killed for refusing to do my duty as a Brotherhood Assassin. So I went, against both of our instincts.”

“My men and I planned everything down to the last detail, and arrived in St. Petersburg as expected, but when we reached the target’s town, we were ambushed. Kept alive, but captured and taken to Vitaly’s home. Vlad was there at that time and can attest to the truth of my words.” Alex glanced at Vlad, who nodded.