Hundreds of eyes bored into Alex’s back as he stood there, watching Devin fidget. He glanced over at the brazier and watched the last remnants of white linen transform into black ashes.

“What do you want?” Devin’s voice cracked on the last word.

Alex slowly lowered his hood and glared at Devin. “I think you know what I want.”

Low murmurs filled the room as the man in the white robe lowered his hood. Anna didn’t dare look up. Devin had promised a syringe full of pain directly into her clit and nipples again if she showed even the slightest hint of disobedience.

The air in the Great Hall had been cold against her bare skin, but it was growing warmer. The murmurs grew louder and she shivered.

Devin spoke. His voice trembled as if he were afraid.

Anna didn’t dare look up.

Another voice spoke. A voice that spread over her like a warm blanket. A voice from her dreams. Had she disobeyed and Devin had killed her again?

Don’t look up. Don’t disobey! Thoughts of Alex had been plaguing her since Tyler’s funeral that morning. She closed her eyes, leaning into the ghostly warmth of his presence close by. It wasn’t real, but his false presence was better than anything she’d felt since Devin had found her in New York.

A name began dancing in the air. Why were they speaking his name aloud? He was dead!

The voice spoke again and tears filled her eyes. “Did you like the way your son died, Devin? I did it especially for you.”

She clenched her fists. Why was his voice so real? Why were the Elders saying his name?

Involuntarily, her eyes opened and she looked up. Her heart stopped. Her jaw trembled. Tears ran down her cheeks, burning the abrasions on her face. “Alex!” She scrambled to her feet but froze and nearly fell at Devin’s command.


Alex’s face screwed into a mask of anger and he stepped closer to Devin. “You dare forbid my wife from coming to me?” His eyes flashed with anger.

“You’re supposed to be dead,” Devin spat.

“You would like that, wouldn’t you? It would have been a lot easier if I really was dead.” He turned around and faced the Elders. “But he couldn’t kill me without killing Anna, so he had Vitaly capture me and keep me and my men imprisoned in Russia.”

Elders stood, shouting and raising their fists.

Devin laughed and shook his head. “That is absurd! You can’t prove that. How could I do such a thing?”

Vlad appeared at the edge of the platform and pointed a finger at Devin. “You had my father help you.” At the Russian Elder’s words, the Hall grew silent once more, and his voice echoed against the stone walls. “Even I was enlisted to help, manipulated into thinking Alex was a threat.”

“You betray me?” Devin snarled.

Vlad lifted his chin. “I consider it correcting a grievous wrong, Devin.”

Devin’s gaze turned to Tom, who had joined Vlad at the platform. “Tom?”

Tom shook his head. “You’re destroying our country, Devin. I can’t allow that to happen.”

Alex stepped onto the platform and towered over Devin, whose face had turned gray. “Tell Anna, Devin. Tell her and everyone in here how you had me captured and held in St. Petersburg, while you used her to increase your power and further your plans.”

Alex continued speaking, but Anna couldn’t hear him any longer. Desperation filled her heart to run into his arms, but her body wouldn’t listen. Her feet were frozen to the wooden platform. She reached out to him and Alex gave her such a loving look she started to cry.

Alex is alive! Alex is here! She closed her eyes again, willing her feet to move.

But then Alex’s words sank in and her eyes snapped open. Devin had taken her beloved Alex from her, and tortured her and used her and?—

White range blinded Anna as she balled her hands into fists, screaming out in primal fury.

Chapter 181