Wouldn’t that just kill Wilhelm? He laughed, imagining the look on Wilhelm’s face when he found out. And the German, being the honorable man he was, wouldn’t do anything about it.
Wilhelm sucked in a deep breath when he saw Anna outside the cathedral. Kurt took a step forward and Wilhelm grabbed his arm to keep him from going to her. He understood Kurt’s desire, however. Anna looked terrible.
She was very pale. Her dark hair was dull and pulled back into a low ponytail. She wore the same black suit as she’d worn at Oscar’s funeral, but it hung loose on her thin shoulders. Had she eaten at all since he’d seen her last? Even more disturbing were the bruises on her cheeks. Devin wasn’t hiding what he’d been doing to her. She limped along behind him, her head hanging down.
Devin had obviously been partaking of Anna. He radiated power once more, though, thankfully, not the same way he had before. Wilhelm smiled at the fear in his eyes as they darted around, waiting for the impending bullet to the head. Devin wasn’t the only one expecting to hear a shot ring out at any second. More than one Elder occasionally lifted their gaze upward toward the surrounding tall buildings. Only a handful of people in the area knew there was no bullet forthcoming.
Devin greeted people somberly and elbowed Anna when she didn’t do likewise. Her green eyes were dull and lifeless, and it hurt to look at them.
Wilhelm could only imagine what was going through Alex’s mind as he watched from his perch across the street. He could almost feel his son’s anger. Or maybe it was just his own anger Wilhelm was feeling. The evening could not come soon enough.
Shaw Wilson watched Devin and Anna with wide eyes. Wilhelm walked over to him. “Do you regret your decision now, Shaw?” he asked quietly. “He probably had that Immortal of his heal her enough to make her presentable.”
Shaw looked at him, horror evident on his face. “How can he treat her like that?”
“I told you he would ignore you.”
Anna looked up at that moment and met Wilhelm’s eyes. They were begging for help and Wilhelm found himself walking to her, even though he knew he could do nothing.
Devin glared at him as he approached. “Come to steal her away?”
Wilhelm shook his head in bewilderment. “How can you do this to her, Devin? Have you no heart?”
Devin rolled his eyes and pulled Anna closer when Wilhelm reached out for her. “I still have her for a few more days, Wilhelm. You will not touch her until then.” He dragged Anna away. She didn’t look back.
Chapter 180
Later that evening, Devin sat on his throne in the Great Hall, Anna trembling and naked at his feet. He had listened to his friends speak fondly of Tyler and had himself spoken briefly. He had allowed tears to gather in his eyes to show his attachment to his son, but they had threatened to choke him, and he stopped short of letting them fall. He could not show that kind of weakness in front of these men.
Now, watching as Tyler’s white robe was brought to the brazier near the edge of the platform, he held himself utterly still. The awaiting dancing flames made his son’s death all the more real. Devin’s eyes darted around the Hall—anything to hold back the reality of the moment.
A movement at the back of the room caught his attention, and he saw Wilhelm, Vlad, and Tom standing shoulder to shoulder, their faces inscrutable. Tommy stood nearby, next to Peter and Kurt.
What was going on? Why were those Elders standing together? They had nothing in common.
As Tyler’s robe was placed on the brazier, the smoke from the flames briefly blocked his view of the men, momentarily distracting him. Grief threatened to overwhelm him again, but he would not cry. He would not show weakness. He kept his face stoic and stared at the flames that represented the death of his son.
When the flames died down, he stood to speak once more, but the doors in the back of the room were violently thrown open, hitting the stone walls with a great crash. Devin froze. He stared as a giant of a man in a hooded white robe slowly walked down the center aisle, followed by four equally large men in black robes. He knew of only one person who could wear a white robe like that, but he was supposed to be thousands of miles away, in Russia.
Alex glanced over at his men before sucking in a deep breath. This was it. The moment they’d been waiting for. “Ready?”
“You sure I can’t use a meat grinder on his cock?” Seth flashed a devilish grin.
Alex chuckled. “As tempting as it is, it would be a bit messy.”
The others laughed softly, defusing the tension.
He took another deep breath, pulled the white hood over his head to hide his face, and pushed the doors open with a dramatic flair. Might as well make sure everyone noticed him walk in.
He stepped through the doors. With long, slow strides, he made his way down the wide aisle of white-clad men, his robe swaying with his deliberate movements. Every eye in the place was on him and he lifted his chin and flashed an invisible grin at Devin, who stood frozen with his hands lifted halfway in the air.
The only hesitation in his steps was when he caught sight of Anna huddling naked next to Devin’s chair, her bruises looking so much worse than they had earlier that morning. She didn’t look up as he approached. But why would she? She believed he was dead. She had no hope and it showed.
Alex stopped a few feet from the edge of the platform and lifted his head. He could tell when Devin recognized him because the Elder’s face turned ashen.
Devin slowly lowered his hands, his elbows close to his body, and lifted his chin. The slightest shake of his hands made Alex grin again. “What do you want?” Devin’s throat bobbed as he swallowed several times. A fine sheen of sweat appeared on the Elder’s forehead when Alex didn’t answer right away.
Alex stood silently for several minutes as Devin’s fingers pulled at the sleeves of his robe. He could only imagine what was going through the Elder’s mind, but he was clearly trying to maintain some sort of control over his body.