Flashes of Tyler growing up flitted across his mind. The toddler literally trying to walk in his father’s shoes. Winning football games. Prom king with the best-looking girl in school. Graduating college with his degree. Demonstrating that his father’s strength had passed to him. Accepting the mantle of Elder-Son and all the responsibilities it entailed.

Devin recalled the first day Tyler came to work in the office next to his. His son. His pride and the beneficiary of everything he’d worked for. His only son—his one weakness—was gone.

His legacy, ended.

He looked up at the Chief. “How?” Maybe it had just been a car accident. After all, today was Thursday. The other Sons had been shot on Mondays...

“I told you, sir. Two shots. One to the groin and the other straight through his head.”

“Two shots?” Devin asked, yanked out of his dreamlike state. “Two?” The others had only been single shots, straight through the head.

“Yes sir, a pretty... impressive shot, if you think about it.”

That made it sound personal. The Assassin wouldn’t do that on his own; the Elder who was doing this was making it personal. Wilhelm. But why would Wilhelm take out the other Elders? No, that didn’t make sense. Who the hell was behind all this?

“Sir? I need you to come down to the morgue to identify the body.”

Devin stared at his desk, his teeth clenched together to stop them from chattering.

He was next. Mortality was staring him in the face. He thought he’d done enough to prevent this—he’d been so careful, made Tyler be so careful—but it hadn’t made a damn bit of difference.

For the first time, he had to acknowledge that he was afraid.

Alex watched with satisfaction through binoculars from the rooftop across the street. Devin’s face drained of blood as the police chief stepped inside his office. He grasped the desk and shook his head as the older man spoke. Sweat beaded on his brow. His hands trembled.

And Alex grinned.

Devin’s world was crumbling, and Alex wouldn’t miss a moment.

Anna heard the sound of the door opening and forced her swollen eyes open. She lay on the floor in the cold dungeon. Everything in her body hurt and she couldn’t move, even if she wanted to.

Devin walked over and stared down at her. She winced, preparing for another blow from whatever instrument he’d brought with him, but he didn’t move.

He was pale. No, his face was gray, his eyes wide with... terror? Anna had never seen him afraid, much less terrified, but she couldn’t ask him about it. Her jaw wouldn’t move.

He fell to his knees. “Tyler is dead.”

A flash of joy shot through Anna’s body, but thankfully she couldn’t move enough for Devin to know.

The other Elders had been killed a few days after their Sons. Did that mean Devin would be dead soon?

Devin narrowed his eyes. “You’re hoping I’m next, aren’t you?”

Yes! Yes, I hope you’re next! She almost wished he could hear. He couldn’t do more to her than he’d already done.

“I won’t let that happen,” he said in a low voice, as though her unspoken defiance gave him the strength he’d been looking for. “I will not let my family line die. My family brought The Brotherhood to this country and I will not let the line die with me. You will give me a son.”

Anna’s eyes widened. The thought of having Devin’s son was revolting.

“I will regain my powers and you will help me.” He stood and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Devin watched with satisfaction as Val healed Anna’s body and then raped her. Val wasn’t as powerful as Kaveh, but with Kaveh missing, Val had decided Anna was pleasing enough to do as Devin asked. Anna screamed as Val plundered her pussy, drilling deep so he could plant his essence in her for Devin to partake of.

He could almost taste her sweet nectar. Tomorrow morning was his son’s funeral. He had to have enough of his powers back to dodge the bullet, both literally and figuratively.

Tyler. Devin could imagine many reasons someone would want to kill Devin, but why his son? What had Tyler done? What had any of the Sons done to warrant an assassination?

Despair threatened to overwhelm him, and he pushed it aside and shook it off. He couldn’t lose it. He had to maintain control or he would be shot tomorrow. Get through the funeral. Get through the Gathering, and then impregnate Anna before she left to go with Wilhelm.