She’d been incredibly submissive these last few days, coming home immediately after rehearsals and reading quietly in the library or conservatory, or napping in their bed. When she was asleep, he would stand in the doorway and watch her. Even though he was angry, he still woke up early and watched her sleep until her alarm went off.
Maybe he should just get her free of Devin and let her be with Hugo. She wouldn’t be in danger anymore. She could have her new life; the new life she’d begun here.
A soft knock at the door drew him from his thoughts. “Come.”
The door opened a tiny bit and he saw Anna’s red puffy eyes. “I need to get ready for class,” she whispered. “May I come in?”
Alex nodded and she pushed the door open further. Her eyes widened as she looked at him. She glanced at the bathroom door. “Is she in there?” she asked softly.
“Is who in there?”
“The . . . woman you slept with last night.”
“I didn’t sleep with anyone last night.”
“Oh.” She hurried into the bathroom and emerged, dressed for class a few minutes later. She paused near the bathroom door. “W-would you like me to give you a blowjob?”
Alex studied her for a long moment. She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. Would rejecting her make her feel worse? Would accepting make her feel used? If he accepted, at least she wouldn’t think that he was off with another woman. “Do you have enough time?”
She glanced at the clock beside him and nodded.
He nodded stiffly and she nervously walked around the other side of the bed. She gave him a mournful look before pulling at the blanket.
Chapter 167
The rest of the week passed much as the beginning of the week had. Anna knew Alex was still angry with her and did her best to be obedient in everything she did. He still spent most of his time in the study, and Anna wondered why he didn’t just send her away.
Stef was not happy about how Alex was treating Anna, but Alex wasn’t wrong. She had done wrong and was lucky he wasn’t abusing her like Devin.
When she arrived home on Friday after rehearsals, Sebastian was there with Alex. She greeted them respectfully and hurried to the bedroom. After she cleaned up, she went to the library and stopped short when she saw Sebastian there, alone. He studied her quietly.
“I-is there something I can do for you, Sebastian?”
“Alex needs you.”
“I won’t run away from him.”
“I didn’t think you would.” He motioned for Anna to sit on the couch, and she did. “He’s miserable, you know.”
Anna drew her brows together. “Why?”
“He misses you.”
Anna shook her head. “No, he doesn’t.”
Sebastian’s cool blue eyes bored into hers. “Would you rather be with Hugo than Alex?”
Anna blinked, surprised at his direct question. “I-I don’t know.” She sighed. “If life is going to be like this...” She twisted her hands together. “I don’t really have a choice, do I?”
“You have a choice in whether or not you want to be happy.”
“Will he ever forgive me for what I did?”
“It is not so much what you did, but why you did it that upsets him. He thinks you would rather be with Hugo than him.”
Anna thought for a few minutes. “I want things to be good between Alex and me. I belong with him.”
Sebastian looked at her for a long moment and then nodded. “He needs you.”