Hugo leaned forward, pulling her bra down, and took her nipple into his mouth. Anna moaned softly and held his head to her. His tongue swirled around and around her nipple. She pulled at his shirt.

Thoughts of Alex came unbidden to her mind, but she pushed them aside. She didn’t care that he wouldn’t like what she was doing. He could kiss her a?—

A shooting pain shot through her head and she grabbed hold of it and screamed.

“Katrina! Katrina, what’s wrong?”

Chapter 165

Alex paced on the rooftop terrace. He vacillated between anger and hurt at Anna’s departure. How dare she get upset about something he’d done when he never thought he’d be allowed to see her again—at least, not until she’d been made into Devin’s slave forever. He hadn’t done it against Anna. He’d done it to Vlad.

And how many men had she fucked while he was gone? How many men had she fallen in love with? How could she get upset about him keeping her from being with Hugo? He couldn’t let her be with someone who couldn’t protect her. She was his wife, damnit! His wife! She belonged to him.


Alex spun around to see Greg standing near the door, holding his phone out. “You need to take this.”

“What?” he snapped into the phone.

“Alex? It’s Hugo.”

Alex barely contained a growl. This was not the person who should be calling him right now. Hugo was at the top of his shit list. “What do you want?”

There was a slight hesitation. “It’s Anna. She’s?—‍”

“Anna’s with you?”

“I... Yes. She’s in pain. She holding her head and crying.”

Her head? “What was she doing when it started hurting?” Hugo didn’t answer, and Alex’s stomach twisted into knots. “What the hell were you doing with my wife?”

“We... shit, Alex. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for anything to happen.”

Alex’s temper snapped. “Tell her to stop fucking rebelling and get her ass home as soon as she can fucking walk. And you better stay the fuck away from her from now on or I will have you fired.” He ended the call and threw his phone down in the middle of the terrace.

He let out a growling yell and stared at the sky. What the hell had she been doing? No, he knew what she’d been doing. She was intentionally rebelling against her Master by going back to her ex-boyfriend out of pure spite, which is why her head started hurting. Fucking infuriating woman.

He stalked downstairs to the library for a drink. What the hell was he going to do now?

An hour later, Anna walked through the door of the condo, very pale and very weak. Alex stood in the doorway of the library, arms crossed, and glared at her. “Go take a fucking shower and rinse that bastard off of you.”

“Yes, Alex.” She bowed her head and hurried to their bedroom.

He walked into the bedroom a few minutes later and was pleased to hear the water running in the bathroom. She wasn’t rebelling anymore. Good.

A while later, when she came out of the bathroom in her pink cotton robe, he was sitting at the foot of the bed, waiting for her. She froze in the doorway, eyes wide and full of terror. He flinched, seeing the fear. He didn’t want her afraid of him... did he? But he didn’t want to feel the hurt right now. He wanted to be angry, not hurt.

They stared at each other for a moment before Anna slowly walked across the room to him and bowed at his feet, forehead on the floor. “I’m sorry, Master.”

The angry part of him liked the idea of her calling him Master. His rational side told him he was treading in dangerous territory that could irreparably tear their relationship apart. His irrational side wanted to wound her as she’d wounded him.

She’d gone to her ex-boyfriend and started having sex. The only reason she stopped was because of the pain of rebellion. “How could you do that to me, Anna?” he asked in a soft voice.

She sat up, her jaw trembling, fear and anger mixed in her expression. “I didn’t ask you to come back.”

It was as if she’d slapped him across the face again. He struggled to come up with a response. “Do you wish I hadn’t?”

She looked down at her hands. “It doesn’t matter what I wish,” she said in a broken voice. “You are here. I belong to you.”