“You’re a big guy, Alex. How are you going to keep her from knowing?”

“It’s been over four years. She’s absolutely convinced that I’m dead.”

“What about your piercings?”

“I won’t let her touch me. And a condom should help hide them a little.”

“She’ll know your voice.”

“I won’t speak.”

Seth raised his eyebrow. “You won’t speak? How will you get her into bed if you don’t speak?”

“Simon.” Alex glanced at Simon. “Simon can make the arrangements. Kurt told her things had to remain private. I can offer her privacy. Something these men can’t. It’ll be noticed if she goes off with one of them.” He glanced at Seth. “Go find a hotel with a suite and have it made up nicely. Good smells since she’ll be blindfolded.” He looked at Tony. “Go find a good blindfold.” He looked at Greg. “Stay with me and make sure I don’t kill some other guy who approaches her.”

Chapter 164

Anna did not have the amused expression Alex had thought she would when he finished his story. He would have thought her to be giggling at his silly jealousy, not staring at her hands in her lap.

Seth had walked in halfway through the story, adding in his two cents, and Alex glanced at him. Seth shrugged, apparently as confused as he was.

Alex reached for Anna’s hand. “Schatzi?”

“You slept with Irina?”

“I—‍” Shit. He hadn’t realized he’d mentioned her name. Until now. “It happened when I came to you. I had to take in the Immortal essence, but I couldn’t take it straight and?—‍”

Anna swallowed and shook her head, tears filling her eyes. “I’m very familiar with the process, Alex.”

“I didn’t ask for Sebastian to bring her,” he said softly.

“You fucked her so you could come and manipulate me into breaking up with my boyfriend.”

Alex realized how bad it sounded. “It wasn’t like that. I—I didn’t know what was going on when I’d finished?—‍”

She held up her hand. “I know how it happens. You don’t need to tell me.” Her jaw trembled and she sucked in a deep breath. “I need some air.” She glared at him. “Don’t send Seth to follow me. It’s the middle of the day.”

Anna walked out of the room, her light footsteps disappearing down the staircase.

Alex looked at Seth. “Is it wrong that I don’t understand why that upset her so much? She would have to know I’ve slept with the other Elder-Mistresses before.”

Seth frowned. “I dunno. How she put it sounded really bad.” He sighed. “I understand why you did it, but... yeah, I don’t know why she’s so mad either.”

Alex ran his hands through his hair. “I can’t do anything right with her.”

“Did you tell her about Yelena?”

Alex shook his head. “She won’t take that well either.”

“Who’s Yelena?” Anna’s soft voice came from the stairway.

Alex shot a glare at Seth, and then turned to look at Anna, frowning. “I thought you were getting air.”

“I realized I was being oversensitive and came back to apologize.” She stepped toward him. “Who’s Yelena?” she repeated.

Alex sighed. “Peter’s cousin. Vlad’s middle daughter.”

She froze, her expression one of suspicion. “What should I know about her?”