Alex gasped for breath and suddenly Anna’s arms were around him, bringing him back to the present. He forced his eyes open. His eyes filled with tears, making it difficult for him to see her face clearly. He blinked multiple times, desperately trying to regain his focus.
“Are you okay?”
Alex swallowed hard. “I . . .”
She tilted her head and ran a soft hand over his temple. When she closed her eyes, he grabbed her hand and shook his head. “I don’t want you seeing that, Anna.”
“I only wanted to?—”
He gave a gentle smile. “I know, Schatzi, and I appreciate it. But some memories are needed. And... you’ve seen enough violence in your life.”
Her brows twitched. “Was it really that bad?”
He pressed his lips together and nodded. “Vitaly was merciless. We—” He cleared his throat when he choked on his words. “We tried to escape. Twice.” He shook his head. “Seth and Erich were beaten both times. Tony and Greg only once.” He forced the memories back into the recesses of his mind. “That’s why Seth has his limp.”
Anna’s eyes filled with tears. “Oh, Alex.” She hugged him hard and he wrapped his arms around her. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“If Devin hadn’t?—”
He pulled away and grabbed her chin. “Anna, stop. You are not responsible for anything that happened. It is Devin, and Devin only, who is at fault.” He stared firmly at her until she gave a small nod. He stroked her cheek. “I love that you care so much, my love.” He leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips, and then hugged her to himself again.
Maybe someday he would let her heal the painful memories, but he wasn’t ready to give them up yet. Not until Devin was dealt with. And maybe not even then.
They ate in silence, Anna glancing at Alex every few moments. He was troubled but he wouldn’t let her heal his mind.
“Did you know that Vlad killed Vitaly?” Alex asked.
Anna frowned. Why did she know that already? “I think Aaron told me.”
Alex looked away and Anna tilted her head. Was he upset that Aaron had told her? She studied his face and realized he was trying to share things with her and was disappointed someone else had shared his story. She wanted to encourage him. “Why did he do it?”
The corners of Alex’s eyes crinkled, as if he knew what she was doing. “So we could escape. At least, that’s why I think he did it.” He pressed his lips together. “How hard would it be to kill your own father?”
Anna winced at the idea. “And Devin doesn’t know?” she whispered.
Alex shook his head. “No. Vlad and Peter only have to hide it for a few more weeks, and with all the funerals, Devin’s a little... well, he’s started to get a little paranoid.” Harsh amusement lit his eyes. “I can’t wait to see him going to Tyler’s funeral.”
Anna bit her lip. She understood Alex’s feelings; hers weren’t much different. But the years of imprisonment had hardened him. She could see it in his eyes. Or maybe this was just what he went through when preparing for a job. On the other hand, this job was personal.
She reached across the table and put her hand on his. He looked down, his eyes softening as he looked at her hand. “Alex, I will respect what the Elders decide about me going along,” she said softly. “But please consider the fact that it’s my fight, too. I want to see you stand up to Devin. I want to see the look on his face when he realizes he’s lost.” She paused. “I’m the one who had to live with him, who dealt with him every day.”
Alex pressed his lips together and nodded. “I understand, Schatzi, and you’re right. I will speak to my father tonight.”
Anna smiled. “Thank you.”
They ate in silence for a few minutes and Anna’s curiosity got the better of her. “How did you escape?”
Alex smiled. He was glad she was asking questions. He wanted to share what he’d gone through, but he also didn’t want to burden her with too much. “Vlad went to the Spring Gathering and left the house basically unguarded.” He grimaced, remembering the long trip home.
He shared with Anna about sneaking through the house, leaving out the part where they’d killed the guards. It was bad enough he’d spoken freely about his upcoming missions to her. She didn’t need to know about his other kills.
“We traveled from St. Petersburg to Warsaw and then on to Frankfurt.” He sighed. “All I could think about the entire time was seeing you again.”
Anna smiled. “How did your parents react?”