She stroked his cheek, sorrow in her eyes. “How’s Erich doing?” she asked after a moment.
“Adjusting. He’s looking forward to coming out in November to confront that son-of-a-bitch.”
“November?” Anna frowned and then inhaled sharply. “When you...”
Alex nodded and closed his eyes. “First Monday in November, Tyler will be killed. Friday will be the funeral. Devin will be expecting a bullet to the head, but it won’t come. Saturday at the Funeral Gathering, I will confront him.” He opened his eyes to see Anna staring at him, eyes wide. He grimaced. “I don’t mean to upset you, Schatzi.”
She shook her head. “No, it’s—” She bit her lip. “Can I come?”
Alex didn’t want Anna anywhere near Devin. He wanted her home, safe and far away from that monster. He must have frowned because she narrowed her eyes. “I’m not letting you go anywhere without me.”
He carefully kept his face impassive as his heart swelled with affection for his stubborn wife. He must not have kept his face as impassive as he thought, though, because her eyes narrowed even more.
“I mean it, Alex. The last time you went out of town, you disappeared for years. If you disappear, I’m disappearing with you.”
“You can’t come with me. I’ll be on a job.”
“Then tell the Elders that your wife won’t let you go.”
Her brow raised. “I know the Elders who are sending you.”
“I have to go to Boston in three weeks.”
Anna looked thoughtful for a few minutes. “That’s my last week of performances.”
Alex nodded. “I was going to come to you that Saturday after your last performance.” He grinned. “Bring you a bunch of pink roses.”
She grinned. “You still could.”
“I might.”
She gave him an affectionate smile and pushed forward to kiss him, her soft lips caressing his. Her leg brushed his cock, and it came to life.
She smiled. “I want to come with you,” she murmured against his lips. She nipped his bottom lip, and he inhaled sharply, wrapping his arms around her and rolling her onto her back.
“Come with me where?” He sighed as he gazed into her eyes. She was so beautiful...
“To San Francisco.”
He chuckled and kissed her again. “You should stay here, where it’s safe.” Why was the room spinning?
“You want to leave me?” She pouted.
“Of course not, Schatzi. I—” Alex stiffened as he suddenly realized what she was doing and pulled away from her. “You’re manipulating me.”
Her eyes widened and she shook her head, but he put his hands on both cheeks. “Anna, don’t you dare try and manipulate me.” He gave her a stern look and she blinked rapidly a moment before bursting into tears.
“I’m sorry!” She looked up at him, all hints of seduction gone. “I’m sorry, Alex, but I can’t stand the thought of you leaving me again.” The tears slid down the sides of her face and onto his hands. “Please,” she whispered. “Please don’t leave me. I’ll be a nervous wreck the entire time.”
“You can call me while I’m gone.”
“But what if you don’t pick up? What if something happens to you?” Her eyes filled with grief. “Please, Alex. Please don’t leave me here.”