But Hugo couldn’t protect her the way Alex could. No, Anna was where she needed to be. With Alex.
But was he being cruel, taking her away from her lover?
Alex hated the doubts swirling around in his mind. He wasn’t used to doubting his place, doubting his decisions. Since he’d escaped, he found himself second-guessing almost everything he did. It was an incredibly uncomfortable experience. He didn’t like it one bit.
Chapter 159
Anna hummed as she put on her long, black-lace dress. The corset top had thin lace straps at the edge of her shoulders and the skirt was fitted, though not obscenely so. She checked herself from every angle in the mirror, wanting to look perfect for Alex.
Alex. Her heart surged with overwhelming love for him. While she cherished dancing with Hugo, Alex had been in her heart and mind the entire time. Every step, every pirouette, was for her husband.
Someone knocked on the door. It was either Hugo or Aaron. She smiled when she saw both, looking very handsome in their tuxedos.
Aaron smiled and then groaned, glancing at Hugo. “You don’t get used to it.”
“Get used to what?” Anna asked.
“You. Not being mine. Not being Hugo’s.”
Anna’s heart fell. “I’m sorry.” She didn’t know what to do. The last thing she wanted to do was upset her friends.
Aaron chuckled and hugged her. “I was teasing... mostly. Don’t feel bad.”
She glanced at Hugo, who gave her an affectionate smile. “I would love to still be with you, Kittycat,” he said in a soft voice, hugging her. “But seeing you the last few days makes me realize how much you belong with Alex. You glow.” He kissed her cheek and released her.
Aaron laughed. “Disgusting, isn’t it?”
Anna’s mood lifted at their laughter. They were happy for her, not angry.
The three dancers arrived in the promenade a few minutes later. Hugo and Aaron went to find out where they were sitting. Anna already knew where to go: Table One, with Alex.
The vast lobby of the theater was a vibrant tapestry of fall colors: green, gold, yellow, and red. At the center of each table sat a tall golden urn with strands of autumn leaves cascading out over the edge. Against the backdrop of white tablecloths, the underskirts at each table added a vibrant touch with their unique fall colors. It felt as if she had been transported to the heart of Central Park.
As she made her way to her table, Anna nodded greetings to people she recognized. Tom, Tommy, and their wives were already at the table when she arrived, along with Vincent and his partner Walter, the mayor and his wife, and another couple she didn’t know.
Alex was nowhere to be seen.
Tom spotted her as she approached and stood to greet her. “Katrina.” He kissed her cheek. “You were even more wonderful tonight than you were in the spring, if that’s possible.”
“Thank you, Tom.” She greeted the others around the table and then looked around. “Where’s Alex?”
Tom looked around. “He mentioned something about getting some air.”
“Oh.” Anna sat down next to Tom, her heart heavy, and twisted her fingers together. Why wasn’t he here to greet her when she arrived?
“Hello, Miss Katrina.”
Anna looked up to see Simon standing next to her. She smiled and stood. “Hi, Simon. I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Alex helped.” Simon grinned. “Katrina, I’d like to introduce you to my wife, Emma. Emma, this is Katrina.”
The beautiful blonde woman standing next to Simon extended her hand. “Hello, Katrina,” she said with a slight accent. German. “It is wonderful to meet you at last. I have heard much about you.”
Anna shook her hand, wondering what she’d heard about her. “It’s nice to meet you, too. It never occurred to me that Simon was married.”
Emma gave a playful look to Simon and laughed. “Pretending to be single again?”
“It never was an issue. I was merely conducting business on behalf of my employer.” Simon gave Anna a friendly smile and looked around. “Speaking of... where is he?”