Seth nodded and disappeared.
Alex sat heavily on the bed, head in his hands. Would it have been better to lie to her? No. She needed the truth. It was the only way she would be able to trust him. He would tell her the truth, no matter how much it hurt.
Anna slowly walked to the park and sat down under the tree where she liked to spend Sunday afternoons reading. It was getting late and the sun was going down, and she knew better than to wander around the city at night. She sat quietly, watching the people hurry by as she tried to sort out her mind.
Sighing, she leaned her head back against the uneven bark. She’d never really had the choice to make? She would have ended up back with Alex, regardless? How was she supposed to be okay with that?
Part of her—no, all of her—knew she belonged with Alex. But she wasn’t free. She’d never be free. She was a slave. She had a cruel Master and a kind Master. At least she was with the kind Master now.
Was it really so bad to be “stuck” with Alex? He loved her. He was good to her. And he was the sexiest man she’d ever seen. It could be so much worse.
But she didn’t like being a slave. That was the crux of it. She wanted to be free, even if she was married to Alex. Being married didn’t take away freedom. Being bonded as a slave to Alex and Devin was what took away her freedom.
Alex was doing his very best to free that part of her. That’s why he did what he did. If it weren’t for him, she would have had no happiness in her life. She would have belonged to Devin and he would have consumed her.
She shouldn’t be resentful toward Alex. It wasn’t his fault things were the way they were. He had done everything he could to make things better. To protect her. The fault lay solely with Devin. And Alex had promised that he would take care of Devin. He was the only one that could.
Anna looked up. She could see Alex’s building and lights shone through the windows. Had he gone home?
She needed to apologize.
She got up and hurried out of the park, pausing across the street from Alex’s building. It was a beautiful building. The elaborately carved entrance was guarded by four two-story banded columns. And a doorman.
Could she get inside? Was this her home now? Would Alex let her in?
The light changed and she crossed the street, and then paused at the bottom of the marble steps that led to the large wrought iron and glass door.
A man in a black suit and hat watched her curiously. “Can I help you?” he asked politely.
A familiar voice spoke from behind her. “Sam, this is Anna, Mr. Kunzberg’s wife.”
She turned to see Seth walking up behind her. “Seth? What are you doing here?”
“Making sure you’re safe.”
“Were you with me the whole time?”
Seth nodded. “Only to keep you safe.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “Alex knew you needed space, and respects that. But after what happened when you ran away from the hotel...”
Anna nodded. “He’ll do whatever he can to keep me safe, won’t he?”
Seth’s eyes softened. “Yes. As will the rest of us.”
Anna wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest. “Is Alex furious with me?”
Seth chuckled and hugged her back. “Not at all.”
She closed her eyes and savored Seth’s embrace. She’d grown close to him, Tony, and Greg when they’d lived together in San Francisco. Although she hadn’t known the rest of Alex’s men as well, she was grieved to know they hadn’t made it home. “I’m glad you made it back, Seth,” she said softly.
Seth squeezed her gently. “Me too.” He pulled away. “C’mon. It’s getting chilly and Alex is worried about you.”
The doorman nodded politely as they walked inside.
Anna stopped and looked up at the stained-glass arched ceiling. “It’s so pretty!” Her voice echoed off the marble walls.
Seth laughed. “You didn’t see it last night?”