“She’s been married. She is my wife and has been for over four years.”
Vincent stared at him. “Wait, I thought... you were supposed to be dead.”
“I was. She was told I was dead, as was everyone else. Aaron, too.” Alex smiled as he glanced at his friend stretching on stage. “You’ve met Devin Andersen?”
Vincent’s face turned dark. “Unfortunately, yes.”
“He had me taken so that he could have Anna to himself. The reason she came here was so that we could be reunited and I could... take care of Devin.” It was nowhere close to the whole story, but Vincent didn’t need to know everything.
Vincent studied Anna for a long minute. “She seems... lighter than I’ve ever seen her.” He smiled affectionately at her. “She’s practically glowing.”
“Anna in love is the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.”
“I can’t disagree with that.” He turned his smile to Alex. “You can keep her safe?”
Alex nodded solemnly. “When Devin came here a few weeks ago, I kept him from finding her.”
They chatted for a few more minutes, and then Vincent went onstage to speak to his assistant. Alex settled into the seat next to Seth. He gazed at Anna as she moved into position and began the warm-ups. God, he loved that woman! “How am I going to leave her to go out on another job, Seth?”
Aaron could tell, just by looking at her, that Anna and Alex had gotten back together. She radiated happiness, which made her even more unbelievably beautiful. He would see the straight guys watching her from time to time, she was so fucking sexy, but today, they almost couldn’t take their eyes off her.
‘Course, the sparkling left hand also made it painfully obvious that she and Alex were together again.
Hugo walked up to him with a resigned look on his face. “If I were a selfish man, I would be angry,” he said in a quiet voice, looking at her with longing in his eyes.
Aaron’s heart went out to him. He knew exactly how Hugo felt. “It’s not easy getting over her.”
“Did you get over her?”
He shook his head. “I still love her.” He gave Hugo a lopsided grin. “I gave up trying to find someone like her.”
“Are you saying I should give up and try playing for the other team?”
Aaron laughed. “Have you ever had any inclination toward that?”
Hugo shook his head and grinned. “Never been attracted to men.”
“There are some nice girls out there. There’s not another Katrina, but... there couldn’t be.”
Hugo stiffened and Aaron followed his gaze to where Jasmine had just walked out on stage. The few people that had been out with them shot her dirty looks, but she didn’t seem to notice. She had a small smile on her face and she looked... happy?
Aaron instantly searched out Alex and stormed over to him. “Did you fucking sleep with Jasmine?”
Alex’s eyes widened. “Why the hell would you ask me a question like that? Of course not.”
Aaron motioned up to the stage where Jasmine was sitting quietly and changing shoes. “Why is she... happy?”
“Did you know her father was an alcoholic?” Alex asked calmly.
“What? I . . . No.”
“He was very neglectful and emotionally abusive.”
Aaron gave Alex a look. “What the hell does that have to do with anything? And how do you know?”
“Sebastian and I were going to erase her memories of Devin to eliminate the threat for Anna, but when we started, we saw the hurt that caused her to act the way she does.” Alex smiled. “Sebastian healed her.”