He made a face. “I’d rather have lunch with you than them.”
Anna giggled.
“How about I go to lunch with you, and then, while you are rehearsing this afternoon, I will go see them? They’re heading back to Germany tonight.”
Anna nodded. “I shouldn’t be too late, though. I’m not in Swan Lake.” Swan Lake was all this week, except before the Gala on Thursday night, when Hugo’s new ballet would debut. “Hugo’s ballet will probably be right after lunch.”
He nodded. “I thought that I would call Simon and ask him to arrange some movers to bring your belongings over here, hopefully this evening. But if that’s not possible, then tomorrow.”
“Okay.” She grinned. “Who is Simon? I mean. I know who he is, but what’s his relation to you?”
Alex chuckled. “Simon is the youngest son of Edwin Reisig, Elder of Bavaria. He’s lived here for several years, working for Deutsche Bank, and when I was planning on moving out here, Edwin suggested I get in touch with him. He agreed to be my face-man.”
“I’ve met Edwin,” Anna said softly. “He’s very nice.”
He nodded. “My father and he are good friends. It was Edwin who asked around, seeing who would support Vati in trying to reclaim you at Vitaly’s funeral.”
Anna smiled softly. “Then I must thank him doubly the next time I see him.” Alex frowned, making Anna giggle. “I just meant to give him a sincere thank you, nothing more.” She giggled again. “Will you be this possessive forever?”
She grinned. “I don’t mind at all.”
Chapter 155
Alex felt very different walking into the theater later that morning, as opposed to the day before. Today he held Anna’s hand: her right hand with her wedding ring back in its proper place. She also returned his wedding ring that was mailed to Devin after he supposedly died.
Vitaly had yanked it off his finger, telling him he would send it to Anna, so she’d know he was dead. The tears in her eyes when she’d slid it back onto his finger showed him how difficult that had been for her. Its heavy weight was comforting, and he would never, ever take it off again.
Anna trembled as they walked through the backstage area, and he squeezed her hand gently. She was nervous about what her friends would think about her and Alex being together. Especially since she hadn’t told anyone that her “engagement” to Kurt had been called off.
They walked into the wings and Anna froze, staring out onto the stage at her friends from the shadows.
He gently squeezed her hand again. “Ready?”
She took a deep breath and nodded. “At least, I think so.”
He kissed her soundly and then made his way out to the seats in front of the stage with Seth while she found her place on the stage. The bright smile on her face made his heart melt, knowing he had some part in it. She certainly was the reason for the smile on his own face.
Greg and Tony had the day off. He didn’t need to walk around with three armed men. If there was trouble, they were only a few blocks away. Few people knew he was alive, no one would come looking for him.
Vincent spotted him as he scooted down the third row and walked over to greet him. “You look happy this morning.”
Alex couldn’t keep the grin from spreading across his face, and he shrugged sheepishly. “I am.”
Vincent’s brow raised high. “Would it be impertinent to ask why?”
Alex chuckled and nodded in Anna’s direction. “Look at her hands.”
“Katrina?” Vincent gave him a strange look and then squinted.
It would have been nearly impossible to not notice the sparkles on her left hand. She wore several karats of high-quality diamonds on that left ring finger.
“That’s not her engagement ring, is it?”
“It is. It’s her real engagement ring. And wedding ring.”
Vincent squinted again. “She’s wearing the other ring she wore when she arrived...” He glanced at Alex. “She got married?”