“But you are still my Master,” Anna said softly.
“Ja, Anna. I am. But, unless your life is in danger, I will not command you to do anything. I give you my word.”
Silence filled the car for a few minutes as Anna continued tracing his ring. “Did you... I mean, is there a way for me to be free?”
His heartbeat raced next to her ear and he took a deep breath. “I believe so,” he said softly. “It’s never been done before, but Sebastian believes it will work.”
“What is it?” She tensed, afraid of what it involved.
“To simply not perform the final ritual. I could perform it, but then you would be permanently bonded to me as a slave. You would be my mindless slave instead of Devin’s. I don’t want that. I want you free.”
“But your father said I would always belong to him.”
Alex sighed. “It’s true, to an extent. Your father gave you to him. But that is a different gift. Devin forced you to be his slave, and I did as well, though I was trying to protect you. Those bonds, we believe, will dissolve once your birthday passes with no final ritual performed. You were given to Vati as an Elder-Mistress, not as a slave.”
“Can that be undone?”
Alex hesitated. “Nein, but Vati and I spoke extensively, and we agreed that if you do not want to be an Elder-Mistress, we will not make you. Technically, you still would be, but just... unused in that manner.”
“So, can you just hide me away until after my birthday?”
“Nein. I must confront Devin. I must... demonstrate before the Elders that I am more powerful than he, so that my will is not contested.”
“You’re really going to confront him?”
“I must.”
“He’s so powerful, though.”
“Not as he was when you were with him. And I have the element of surprise in my favor. He believes I am still imprisoned in St. Petersburg. Neither Vlad nor Peter will tell him any different.”
Anna scooted closer. “When do you have to confront him?”
“It can be done anytime before your birthday, but we have chosen a time.” His voice lowered and he became somber.
“When?” she whispered.
“At Tyler’s funeral.”
“Tyler?” Anna exclaimed. “But Tyler’s not—oh!” She looked up. “You’re going to kill him?”
“He is my last target.”
Anna shivered. “When?”
“The first week in November.”
“And sometime between now and then, you’re going to... take care of Oscar?” she asked in a quiet voice.
“Oh.” Anna blinked. To hear him speak so casually of killing people was so... He was so dangerous. She shivered again.
“Anna, I know what Oscar did to you. The night Devin killed you.”
She sucked in a shaky breath, horrible memories flooding her mind.
“I know what the Sons did to you, and that’s partially why they’re included on my list.”