Anna stared up at Alex in surprise. He’d given in to her? She lifted her chin. Well, good. He should have. There was no way in hell she was letting Jasmine near him alone.

“Anna, do you want dessert?”

She had been looking forward to dessert, but had lost her appetite when she’d seen Jasmine touching Alex. “I guess so.”

Alex grinned at her and then spoke to his men in German. Seth leaned down to speak quietly to Jasmine and her eyes widened. He helped her to her feet and they walked away, Greg and Tony behind them. When they had gone, Alex took Anna to Jasmine’s place and sat down.

“What was that about?” Rachel asked.

Alex’s face turned firm. “She threatened Anna—er, Katrina. I won’t stand for that.”

Rachel’s eyes widened, and then she shook her head. “I figured her apology was full of shit.” She smiled and looked between Anna and Alex. “So, you two are really married?”

Alex glanced at Anna. “Is it okay if they know?”

“It’s a little late for that.” Her heart swelled with affection for him. “It’s not... dangerous, is it?”

Alex shook his head. “Sebastian has reinforced Tom’s protections, and I can protect you.” His eyes grew firm. “I will protect you.” He looked at Rachel. “Ja, this is my wife.” He put his arm back around Anna’s shoulders. “I went on a business trip and there was an accident. She was told I was dead.”

“But you’ve been here for a few months, though,” Rachel asked. “Haven’t you?”

Alex nodded. “And I had my reasons for doing what I did, which I am not at liberty to discuss. But I have spoken to Anna about them.” He kissed Anna’s temple. “We will work through those issues.”

“So, should we start calling you Anna now?” Rachel asked with a smile.

Anna shook her head. “At least, I don’t think so.”

Alex shook his head. “Please continue to call her Katrina. I will try to remember as well.”

Dessert arrived and the conversation moved on to other subjects. Anna glanced at Hugo, who gave her a sad smile. Her heart ached for him, but she couldn’t deny that she felt like she was where she was supposed to be. With Alex.

To everyone’s surprise, Alex insisted on paying the massive dinner bill. “I am so happy that Anna has good friends around her. It is the least I can do.”

“You gonna throw some parties?” Aaron leaned back in his chair and grinned.

Alex grinned. “Maybe, but not like our old ones.” He looked at Anna. “Perhaps a wedding reception? We never got to have ours.”

“That’s true.” They had started planning it before Alex’s disappearance, but they never had the opportunity to actually celebrate...

Alex took Anna’s hand and helped her to her feet. “Kommen Sie. Let me show you the home I purchased for us here.” He caressed her cheek. “I don’t expect you to stay with me, but I would love for you to see it.”

Anna’s heart fluttered at his touch. And his understanding. “I’d like that.”

They said their goodbyes and headed toward the exit. Alex had promised Aaron he’d not have her out too late, to which Aaron responded maybe he should.

Chapter 152

Anna curled up next to Alex in the back of the town car, resting her head on his chest and sighing. She traced his fingers on his right hand, running her thumb over his wedding ring. “You still wear it.” Guilt filled her heart.

“Hugo is a good man, Anna. I understand why you removed yours. But...” He took a deep breath. “I hope you will be willing to put it back on someday in the near future.” He cupped her chin and brought her face up. “But only when you are ready. I don’t want you to feel obligated.”

“Your father told me that if I... didn’t want to be with you, that he would permit a divorce.”

“Ja, I know. I asked him to.”

Anna gasped. “You did?”

“Schatzi, love forced is no love at all. I spoke to him and told him you needed to know you were completely free to choose me. To choose us. You needed to know you could walk away. Then, and only then, would I know that you truly wanted to be with me.”