Jasmine’s eyes narrowed and then she flashed a wicked grin. “Maybe I should just call Devin.”

Stef gasped and the table fell silent. Seth, Tony, and Greg jumped to their feet and surrounded her, menacing looks on their faces.

Seth casually lowered himself to his knees until he was inches from her face. “I’m not one to hurt women, but if you even so much as look up Devin’s number, I will slit your throat.”

Aaron had never seen the guys so aggressive. Seth, a normally very easygoing guy, was truly terrifying, and his voice held no hint of bluff.

Jasmine frowned, though her jaw trembled the tiniest bit. “What the hell is so special about her?”

Alex returned at that moment, an arm around Anna’s shoulders, and raised his eyebrows. “What’s going on?”

Alex slowed his steps when he saw Greg, Seth, and Tony surrounding Jasmine, looking furious.

Greg answered in German. “She threatened to contact Devin.”

A flash of anger scorched through Alex’s veins, but he sucked in a long breath to keep from doing anything he’d regret.

Tony grinned. “Seth told her he’d slit her throat.”

Alex smiled at Seth, appreciating his protectiveness. He hardened his expression and glared at Jasmine.

She cowered as her gaze skipped between the three men around her.

“I don’t take threats against my wife lightly.” He pulled Anna closer to him. He hated catty women. It was sad, really. Jasmine was a very talented dancer and a pretty woman.

He kissed Anna’s head. “Anna, stay here with Aaron for me, alright? I’ll see you in the morning.”

She gaped at him. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to deal with Jasmine.” Her eyes widened, and her fear swept through his heart. “Anna, she’s threatened you. I won’t allow her to do that.”

“What did she do?”

“She threatened to call Devin.”

Anna gasped and looked at Jasmine, eyes filling with tears. “Why would you do that?”

Anna’s disbelief only fueled Alex’s determination to prevent Jasmine from speaking to Devin. He tried to guide Anna back to her seat, but she turned and glared at him.

“You can’t seriously think I’m okay with you going anywhere alone with her.”

“I’m not going alone. My men will be there.”

Her eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms. Alex’s brows raised at this new, defiant Anna. It was sexy and he grinned, which made her frown deeper. He stopped smiling, though his heart still pounded with desire for her. That lower lip sticking out like that...

He shook his head and gave her a firm look. “Anna, I don’t want you to see what happens.”

Her brows arched. “What are you going to do? Sleep with her?”

“What? No, of course not.” He glanced over and saw Aaron watching him, an amused look on his face.

“I warned you she was stubborn.”

“Anna, please trust me...” He trailed off when her brows raised even higher. Okay, that probably wasn’t the best choice of words, but she didn’t need to see him reprogramming Jasmine’s mind. At least, that was his plan—if Sebastian would help. Since he wasn’t an Elder yet, he couldn’t do a lot of things without Sebastian’s help. If Sebastian refused, he would just wait until Vati arrived tomorrow. His father would take care of it.

He looked around, realizing that they were being watched. After having just kissed Anna, it probably wasn’t a good idea to go off with Jasmine, even if he had absolutely no intention of doing anything except removing a threat.

He ran his hands through his hair and sighed. Anna watched him with defiant expectation in her eyes. He liked this new Anna, but was careful to keep his face impassive. “Alright. Fine. Do you want dessert first?”