“It’s . . . uncomfortable.”
“It’s uncomfortable looking into those beautiful eyes and that gorgeous face?” Stef grinned.
Anna shrugged, knowing Stef wasn’t trying to be unkind. “Well, kinda. I’m not used to him being alive. It’s something I never imagined, and I’m not sure what to do with it.”
“Take him home and jump his bones. That’s what I’d do.”
“It’s complicated.” Alex was not only her husband, he was also her Master. He could make her do anything he wanted.
Anna watched him throughout dinner as he interacted with her friends. He was polite and friendly with the women, but didn’t flirt back when they flirted. With the guys, he was more relaxed, telling jokes and laughing a great deal. His lips were as perfect as ever, and she remembered the feel of them against her own mouth and body. His hands were large and powerful as he waved them in the air while he talked, and she remembered how those hands had made her feel.
Even after being imprisoned for all that time, he was still an easygoing, charming man who knew how to interact with people in such an admirably easy way, it awed her. He listened to each person carefully, asking questions and clearly making them feel as if he sincerely cared about what they were saying.
Alex glanced at Anna frequently, giving her gentle smiles that made her heart jump in her chest. He asked her questions along with the other dancers, but didn’t single her out. Anna wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She had a feeling he was trying to be unobtrusive, but part of her was indignant that he treated her like all the others.
“That’s a pretty ring,” Jasmine said as the dinner plates were being cleared. She grabbed his right hand and stroked his ring finger. Anna narrowed her eyes.
“Danke. It’s my . . . wedding ring.”
“Wedding ring?” Jasmine exclaimed, and then gave a strained smile. “Your wife’s a lucky woman. Where is she?”
“We are—” Alex glanced at Anna. “We have been separated for a long time and are trying to see where our relationship is at the moment.” He untangled his hand from Jasmine’s and twisted the ring on his finger. “I am hoping we can work things out.”
“Why did she leave you?”
“Nein, it is I who left her.” He blinked several times. “I... made a mistake in leaving. I should not have left and have regretted it every day since.”
Anna stared at him, heart aching. He thought he’d made a mistake in leaving?
“She doesn’t want you back? Is she crazy?”
He looked at his ring. “She’s been through a lot and is a different person than she was when we were together.” He paused. “She may have decided she’s better off without me.” He winced and the pain in his eyes stabbed directly into Anna’s heart.
“Do you still love her?” Stef asked.
Anna elbowed her in the ribs.
“Ja, I do,” he said, voice cracking. “More than anything in the world.”
The table grew quiet. Anna stared at her hands as she twisted them in her lap. If Aaron, or even Stef, had brought the original subject up, she would have thought it had been planned. But Jasmine wouldn’t do something like that. She just wanted to know how available he was.
Anna closed her eyes and concentrated. It had been a very long time since she’d read a man. She hadn’t needed to when she was under Devin’s control, and before that, she’d lost her ability when he’d drained her every night. But her long separation from Devin had allowed her powers to return to almost normal levels again, and it didn’t take but a few seconds before she could read Alex.
The force of emotion that erupted into her heart and mind from Alex shook her to the core. She exhaled sharply, half-afraid her heart would explode. How could he possibly still feel like that about her, after all these years? She felt his fierce determination to avenge her; he was taking out Devin’s supporters, not only to hurt Devin, but to avenge what they had done to her. His remorse about having to leave in a few weeks was as sharp as a dagger, but knowing he was doing it for her eased the discomfort. A little.
She stopped and opened her eyes. He was watching her with hope-filled eyes. Did he know what she had just done? She struggled to process what she was feeling about him. She was scared, but she knew how he truly felt about her.
How could he still love her like that?
She shook her head, not able to look away from him. She wanted to run. Run away and yet run into his arms at the same time. She twisted her fingers together, not knowing what to do. If he came to her now, she didn’t think she could resist...
Alex watched the conflicting emotions flit across Anna’s face. He felt her reading him and was overjoyed to see her opening up to him. Now she knew his true feelings, that his desires were for her, and her only. He wanted to run over, pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless, but held himself back.
He’d been very careful about how he interacted with her throughout the dinner. The last thing she needed was for him trying to force himself on her like he had that afternoon. No, he would continue to give her space.
The waiter approached, asking if anyone wanted dessert, and Anna’s tension dissipated.
Jasmine leaned in close. “If you want some company while you’re waiting for your wife to come around...”