Anna sighed. Not again. Why did Hugo keep talking in German to the people she hated? Well, not hated. But was very angry with.
Alex paused and looked between Anna and Hugo, clearly confused and said something else in German to Hugo.
Stef walked up next to Anna on the stage. “Kat, where are we going—” Stef looked around, seeming to feel the tension. “We doing lunch?”
“Yeah,” Aaron said. “C’mon.” He dragged Alex by the elbow, and Hugo followed after them, speaking in German with a serious look on his face while Alex listened intently.
Anna crossed her arms and huffed, watching the men walk away. Was Hugo trying to make friends with Alex?
“Kat, what’s wrong? Do you know Euroman?”
Anna sighed and glanced at Stef. “Yes. He’s my husband.”
“What!” Stef clapped her hands over her mouth. “What? Why didn’t you tell me?” She stared. “When did you get married?”
“I—no, my husband that I thought was dead. I... I didn’t know until Saturday night...” She was telling Stef about her time with Mr. J, when Aaron turned around and raised his eyebrows at her.
“You coming?”
Anna relented at the pleading look in Aaron’s eyes. She sighed and jumped down off the stage, along with Stef, and walked up the aisle after the others.
They stayed well behind so Anna could finish sharing her story, which took nearly the entire journey to the deli down the street.
Stef grinned. “I didn’t think anyone could be hotter than Kurt, but...” Stef grinned as she dragged her eyes all over Alex’s backside. “Damn, girl.”
Anna pressed her lips together. She didn’t like her friend ogling Alex. ‘Course, all three of the men ahead of them were worth looking at, not to mention the three men, Seth, Tony, and Greg, walking behind her and Stef. She stopped suddenly, realizing she hadn’t greeted them, nor thanked Seth for saving her on Saturday night.
Anna spun around and searched their faces, giving them timid smiles. They, too, had aged in their absence. Tony and Greg both had a bit of gray at the temples but were as handsome as they’d been when they’d left her that morning all those years ago...
“Hey, Anna.” Seth smiled and gave her a hard bear hug. Tony and Greg did the same, and Anna wiped away tears as her past surrounded her. These guys had watched out for her and Alex. They had suffered years of imprisonment because of her...
Anna’s appetite vanished at the thought. So many people had suffered because Devin wanted her to himself. She clutched her stomach as a wave of nausea washed over her.
She shook her head. “I’m gonna go back to the theater. I’m not hungry.” She squeezed her way between Tony and Seth and ran back to the theater and into her dressing room. She needed to be alone.
Alex found himself reluctantly liking Hugo. He was a good, honorable man who cared about Anna deeply. He suspected the guy was in love with her. It would have been so much easier to hate the man he was competing with for Anna’s heart, but he couldn’t.
“I want Katrina to be happy,” Hugo said in German as they walked out of the theater. “I don’t know everything that she’s gone through, but I know enough to want her to be happy, even if it’s not with me.”
Alex glanced at Aaron. “We can speak in English. I’ve known Aaron longer than I’ve known Anna, er, Katrina.”
Hugo gave Aaron an apologetic look and Aaron shrugged. “It’s all good.”
Hugo looked back at Alex. “I don’t want to stand in your way. You are her husband and...” he grinned. “... from a very influential family I really don’t want to mess with.”
Alex chuckled. “I appreciate your understanding, Hugo. I—” Alex glanced back at Anna, who was speaking intently with her friend. “I want her to be happy, too. I don’t want to force her into anything and resent me.” He sighed. “But I love her. I’ve spent the last four and a half years longing for her. I will do whatever I can to win her back.”
Hugo nodded, understanding in his eyes. “As much as it kills me to say this, I’ll back off and let you two get to know each other again.” He was quiet for a moment and then chuckled. “I hope you don’t mind if we keep dancing together, though. It would be impossible to find a new partner two days before the performance.”
“That’s not my decision. That’s hers.” Alex twisted his wedding band on his hand. Anna had chosen well in Hugo. “If she decides against me, I’m glad to know you’re sincere about how you feel about her.”
“I had asked her out to dinner for tonight before we knew you were coming. I’ll talk to her...” Hugo looked behind them. “Where’d she go?”
Alex whipped around and saw Stefanie jogging toward them. “Where’s Katrina?” he snapped, and instantly regretted it when Stefanie’s eyes widened. He softened his tone. “I’m sorry. I worry about her.”
Stefanie narrowed her eyes. “She said she wasn’t hungry and went back to the theater.”