“Because—‍” Alex ran his hands through his hair. “Because I must complete certain tasks before I can confront Devin, and I didn’t want you and Anna to think I was leaving again.”

“What do you have to do?”

Alex hesitated and then inhaled slowly. “You know what I... do for The Brotherhood.”

Aaron nodded.

“I assume you’ve heard about Connor and Marcus?”

He nodded again, and then inhaled sharply. “That was you?”

Alex nodded. “Once Devin’s supporters are gone, I can confront him in front of the world Elders and he will face judgment. I was going to come to you and Anna in just a few weeks. After I took out Oscar.”

It amazed Aaron how casually Alex could talk about killing a man, but then he remembered what those men had done to Anna and he clenched his jaw. “Can I help?”

Alex chuckled. “If there was something you could do—‍” He stopped, growing serious, and his brow twitched. “Help me with Anna,” he pleaded.

“She’s changed.”

“I know.” He grimaced and shook his head. “I’ve missed so much...” He took a step forward and stopped. “Please forgive me, Aaron. I had my reasons for staying hidden. It was to protect Anna. And I have to leave in a few weeks and take out Oscar. Anna won’t like me leaving again... if she forgives me.”

Aaron sighed, his anger slowly giving way to sympathy. “She will. I’m sure of it. She still cries herself to sleep sometimes.” He pressed his lips together. “What the hell is wrong with your brother? If she wasn’t so angry at him and your dad, she probably would have taken your surprise better.” Wilhelm’s command to stay out of Hugo’s bed made more sense now.

“He doesn’t want to give her up,” Alex said with a small shrug. “I showed up and suddenly the woman he was in love with belonged to his brother again.”

“He’s been an ass.”

“I know. He knows. He regrets it. He hates that he’s taken his anger out on her.” Alex chuckled. “Believe me, we’ve had words. And fists.”

“You two fought?”

Seth laughed from behind him. “Kurt’s picked up some impressive moves. He beat Alex a couple of times.”

Alex frowned. “I wouldn’t say he beat me...”

Seth leaned against the wall. “I would.” He wagged his eyebrows above amusement-filled eyes.

Aaron looked between the two men. His friends. His friends that were dead and now were alive. “Aw, hell,” he muttered. He hurried over to Alex and hugged him hard.

Alex hugged him back. “Thank you, Aaron.”

Alex sighed in relief as Aaron hugged him. His friend wasn’t furious at him. It gave him hope that things would work out with Anna.

Aaron pulled away and went to hug Seth, and then grinned at the two of them. “I can’t believe you’re really here.” He looked around. “Nice place.”

Alex smiled. “Thanks. I hope Anna likes it.”

Now that Aaron had accepted his presence, Alex relaxed. A little. Like Anna, Aaron had changed—matured—in the years he’d been gone. Still tall and lithe, Alex had enjoyed watching him dance while hiding in the darkness to watch the rehearsals. Especially when he and Anna had danced together. His best friend and his wife in the same spot on the stage was a sight to behold.

“Alex?” Aaron’s voice cut through his reverie.

He shook his head to clear it. “Sorry.”

“I can imagine there’s a lot on your mind.”

“You could say that.” He ran his hands through his hair. “I guess I can cut my hair now.” He gave a wry smile. “And my beard. I kept it to keep from being recognized.”

Aaron laughed. “Like you could disguise yourself.”