But once she was freed from Devin, she would be freed from Alex as well. Would she stay with him? He hadn’t doubted before, but did now. Vati had told him she’d changed, but Alex hadn’t realized how much.
The door to the condo opened and closed, and Seth walked into the room.
“Did she get home okay?” he snapped in English.
“I think so.”
Alex shot his friend a dirty look and Seth held up his hands, palms out.
“Some guy grabbed her on the sidewalk and I took care of him. She ran away and got into a taxi.”
Alex slumped back into the couch. How would he find out if she made it home? It wasn’t like he could just call Aaron and ask. Aaron would freak out.
Seth tapped the light switch on the wall and plopped down on the couch across from Alex as the lights slowly turned on. “So what happened?”
Alex flinched at the brightness. “I blew it.” He leaned his head on the back of the couch and looked up at the high ceiling. “I was... passionate, I suppose, and I was letting her touch me. It felt so good to have her touch me.” He lifted his head and Seth gave him a sympathetic look. “I was being stupid, but I couldn’t stop her. Couldn’t bring myself to pull her hands off me. But then I spoke and she froze. I don’t think she knew it was me right away, but she knew something was off. She tried to leave, but—” He shook his head. “I couldn’t let her leave like that.” He closed his eyes. “She knows it’s me.”
“Oh, shit.”
“She hit me.”
Seth’s eyebrows shot up higher and faster than Alex had ever seen them.
Alex grimaced. “She was so angry, she hit me, and then she left. That’s why I told you to follow her.” He looked back at Seth. “Did the guy hurt her?”
“Nah. He grabbed her and I got hold of him before he could do anything.” His eyes lit with amusement. “Anna really hit you?”
Alex nodded and rubbed his cheek where she’d hit him. “She’s strong.”
Seth chuckled. “She’d have to be to survive everything she’s gone through.”
“She hates me.” Alex scratched at his beard. “She yelled at me.”
“Alex, think about it. She’s in shock. She doesn’t hate you. She couldn’t. She just... needs some time?—”
“You didn’t see the look in her eyes.” Alex’s eyes burned with tears. “She accused me of lying to her.” He grimaced. “She’s not wrong.”
“You have your reasons and they’re good reasons. She never would’ve let you out of her sight to complete your missions if you were together.”
“Now I wonder if she’ll let me into her sight.”
“She will. I’m sure of it. She just needs some time to process it.”
Alex’s cell phone rang. “Hello, Vati,” he said in German.
“She’s not answering her phone.” Wilhelm sighed. “She’s so stubborn now.”
“So I’ve seen.”
“I can’t get there until Monday. Marcus’ funeral isn’t until later today. But I don’t know if it will do any good for me to come. She’s angry at me, too.”
“She wouldn’t have been angry at you if you two had been more careful with her,” Alex snapped. “Kurt’s been treating her like shit, too. How is she supposed to trust either of you?”
“I know, Alex,” Wilhelm snapped back. “I was going to try and make amends on Tuesday.”
“It’s a little late for that.”
Wilhelm sighed. “Perhaps she would respond better to your mother.”