“Oh.” An unexpected pang twisted her heart. Did it really matter if he was married? No. Their trysts would end soon enough. “Is she a bitch?”
Simon laughed. “Again, does it matter?”
Anna shrugged. “Was just wondering. I’ve learned that many men don’t like their wives and seek companionship elsewhere to keep up appearances.”
“I can only say that it is complicated.”
“Will I ever get to see him?”
“I expect so.”
Anna sighed. “Should I stop asking questions?”
“I find them amusing, but I will not reveal more than I am permitted.”
They didn’t speak for a few minutes. The music from inside seemed to rattle the building.
“Are you willing to meet with him tonight?”
“He wants to?”
The amusement appeared in his eyes again. “He was quite pleased when you showed up and hoped you might have changed your mind.” He smiled. “It’s the only reason he came out tonight.”
“There are many women in New York, Miss Katrina, but you are the only one who has his attention.”
Anna thought back to the day after her first encounter with Mr. J. “Did... did he see me when I was walking to the library the day after we... met?”
Simon nodded with a smile. “You turned and waved to him.”
Anna smiled. “I was hoping I wasn’t waving to a statue.” She froze. “Wait, did he see me the week before, too?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Because the clothes that were in the room... it was the same outfit I wore that day.” Simon didn’t answer right away and Anna wondered if she’d asked something wrong. “Was that an impertinent question?”
“You’re a smart girl, Katrina. Yes, he saw you. It’s how he knew you liked the library.” He turned and cocked his head. “I think that’s enough questions for the night, aside from: Will you meet with him tonight?”
Anna smiled, her heart racing. “Yes. I’d like that.”
Chapter 141
The next week went by so fast, Anna could hardly believe it. Only two weeks until opening night and Anna was worried since she’d missed a week of rehearsals. She fell into bed each night exhausted, unable to read the books on New York that Mr. J had picked out for her at the library.
Simon called Monday to make arrangements for the following Saturday. She liked that he called early in the week. It made her feel like Mr. J really wanted her.
Mr. J came to two rehearsals that week, sitting in the auditorium in pitch blackness. The girls all checked their appearances before going out on stage and Anna started to, too, until she caught Stef grinning at her.
Anna spent an amazing Saturday night with Mr. J in the Winston Churchill Suite at the Waldorf Astoria. He seemed tense, but since all she could do was ask yes/no questions, it was hard to make sure he was alright.
Monday, as she was walking to lunch with Aaron and Stefanie, Wilhelm called and Anna stared at the phone for a long moment before finally tapping the screen. “Hello, Wilhelm.” She was still angry at him, but was doing her very best to be polite.
“Hello, Liebling. How are you doing?”
“Okay. Busy.” She hoped he would take the hint and keep the call short.