Stef dragged her out to the dance floor, but she stayed as far away from the curtain as she could. She drank and laughed and flirted, attracting attention from many men and feeling almost high on the endorphins.

A few hours later, though, Aaron found her resting at their table. While the flirting had been fun for a while, it wasn’t doing anything for her tonight. She was beginning to wish she’d stayed home.

“Come dance with me,” he shouted over the music, pulling her back to the dance floor. “Why aren’t you doing the Mr. J thing?”

“I think he has other interests besides me.” She glanced over at the crowd of women. Two blondes were kissing and groping each other right in front of his spot. Surely he was surely enjoying the show.

“He asked you out.”

“After not seeing me for three weeks.”

“You were busy too.”

“He went out when I stayed home for Alex’s birthday and apparently had quite a show.”

“He still asked you out.”

Anna frowned. “No, Simon asked me out. What if he’s pushing Mr. J into doing it?”

Aaron arched his brows. “Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?”

She was about to retort with a smart comment when she realized he was right. “I was really stupid, saying no tonight, wasn’t I?”

“You said it.”

Anna sighed. “I probably blew it.” She glanced over to the curtain, wishing she could see inside. Mr. J had been nothing but kind to her, and she was taking her anger with Wilhelm and Kurt out on him. “I’m an idiot.” In hopes that he was somehow watching her, she gave him an apologetic look and mouthed “I’m sorry,” then turned back to Aaron. “I don’t think I’m in the mood to be here.”

“Kat.” Aaron nodded toward the curtained room. “I think he’s been watching you.”

Anna turned and saw Simon standing next to the room in his customary stance. He tilted his head toward the back of the club where they’d talked outside several times. She nodded. “I think Simon wants to talk.”

Aaron pushed her away. “Then go. At least you’ll get laid tonight.”

She shook her head and walked away.

Simon was waiting for her on the terrace. “My employer was quite disappointed that you turned him down for tonight.”

Anna glanced up at him and saw a glint of amusement in his eye. She leaned against the railing in front of her, hands clasped tightly on the metal bar. “I’ve had a bad week and... I thought he had lost interest...”

“Quite the contrary. He regrets that he was unable to see you last week. He had business to attend to.” The glint of amusement in his eyes sparked again as he stared at the brick building across the alley.

“My friend said the women were making quite the impression on him the week before.”

Simon chuckled. “Yes, well, his companions enjoyed the show. My employer was not impressed.”

“He has friends with him?”


Something about that made her smile. He wasn’t sitting behind the curtain all alone. “Why doesn’t he come out in public? Why all the secrecy?” She turned to Simon. “Do his friends go out?” She tilted her head. “Are they men or women?”

“You are a very curious woman, Miss Katrina.” He looked at her. “Does it matter if he is with other women?”

Anna felt her cheeks warm and she looked away. “I don’t know. I guess not.”

“You are engaged to another man.”

“Yeah.” She turned back to the railing and looked at the engagement ring on her finger. “Is he married?”