Kurt and Aaron had disappeared a while ago, and he was alone with Anna in the apartment.

“Do you love him?” he asked quietly.


Wilhelm nodded.

She didn’t answer right away, instead twisting her hands in the ties of her robe. “I don’t know. I might. I care for him a lot.”

Wilhelm was certain Hugo cared just as much for her as she did for him.

“We broke up because of what you told me about marrying Kurt. That was the only reason.”

“Ah.” He hoped she would forgive him for what he was about to say. “Anna, I must forbid you from having sex with him anymore. It is not a good idea for you to become attached to him, or anyone, for that matter.”

She stared at her hands. “Yes, Wilhelm.”

He saw something hit the side of her hand resting in her lap and realized it was a tear.

“May I go?” she whispered without a hint of rebellion.

He knew he had wounded her with his command, but it was the right thing to do. He hoped she would understand once Alex returned to her. “Yes,” he said in a gentle voice. “You may go.”

Anna stood, trying to contain her tears. She had learned her lesson. A painful lesson about rebellion. She would never do that again.

“Would you like us to stop by on our way home on Monday?”

“Whatever you would like.” She turned and gave him a respectful nod, and then hurried to her room and fell onto her bed. Her pillow still smelled like Hugo, and she cried herself to sleep.

Chapter 139

“I’m so sorry about Chris, Connor.”

Devin and Tyler sat in Connor Diaz’s large living room in the suburbs of Philadelphia. He and Tyler had stopped by Conner’s house to accompany them to the funeral. His wife and four younger children were somber, sitting together on the couch. The second youngest son, Chad, was in his mid-twenties. How would he be as an Elder?

“Thank you, Devin.” Connor was more sober than Devin had ever seen him. He sat in a leather recliner, staring out the window.

Devin didn’t want to imagine what it would be like to lose his son.

Tonight would be the Funeral Gathering for Chris, and Chad would become Elder-Son. He grimaced, reminded once more that Anna had run away. He was at risk of losing his position as Chairman. No one had said it outright, but there were quiet murmurs questioning his ability to maintain his authority without an Elder-Mistress. He’d assured the other Elders that he would find Anna. Soon. And oh, how he would punish her!

Twenty minutes later, it was time to leave. His limo waited by the curb, and the group made their way outside. He walked next to Connor, asking him a question about Chad, and suddenly there was a loud bang. A moment later, Connor fell to the ground.

Devin stared in horror at the bleeding hole in the center of Connor’s forehead. Screams from his family echoed in the area as Devin dropped to the ground, pulling Tyler down with him.

“What happened?” Tyler asked in a shaky voice.

Devin couldn’t pull his eyes away from his friend’s dead body. First Chris, and now Connor? What the hell was going on?

Anna woke with a heavy heart. She lay in bed, staring out the window for a long time. There was no reason to get out of bed; she couldn’t go to rehearsal, or anywhere, for that matter. She was stuck inside until next week. Yes, it was for her safety, and after what happened with Devin, she certainly didn’t want to risk being found.

Pain shot through her head as she turned onto her back. She squeezed her eyes shut and rubbed her temples. A reminder to not disobey her Master again?

She’d never disobeyed Devin like she’d disobeyed Wilhelm last night. And she wouldn’t ever again. She didn’t need the threat of punishment to keep her in line. Her mind did it all on its own.

Should she let Hugo come over tonight? Would that be disobeying Wilhelm? Should she avoid Hugo to be safe? Maybe she should just avoid everyone. Go back to being on her own, like when she was in San Francisco. She never wanted to feel that searing pain in her head ever again.

The pain subsided, and Anna sighed and reached for the TV remote. She wanted something to distract her. Anything.