Anna walked into the Hotel Elysee feeling more comfortable than she had the week before. For one, she was dressed properly. And this time, she kind of knew what to expect.

Simon met her in the lobby. “Have you enjoyed yourself so far tonight?”

Anna smiled. “Yes.” Her cheeks warmed, thinking about what was coming.

He chuckled and motioned to the elevators.

She followed Simon into an open elevator. “Is he sure he wouldn’t rather have one of the other women from tonight? I mean, there were a lot vying for his attention.”

He shook his head. “He was only watching one woman tonight.” Simon chuckled again. “In fact, he was getting quite irritated when he couldn’t see you.”


Simon pushed a button and the doors slid closed. The elevator whooshed upward. “Same rules as last week. Do you remember?”

“Don’t take the blindfold off. Don’t touch him.” She bit her lip, remembering how she’d tried to touch him a few times. Hopefully he knew she wasn’t trying to be rebellious when she’d reached for him. “Yes, stroked cheek. No, tap on the nose.” She giggled. “If he kisses me, he wants me to shut up.”

Simon laughed. “I’m sure there are other reasons he kisses you.”

The elevator continued to move up the building, and Anna glanced at Simon’s reflection in the brass doors. “Do you... know what I am?”

His eyebrows twitched. “I know you are a beautiful woman that is in an unfortunate relationship.” He turned his head to look at her. “Anything else is irrelevant.”

Anna blinked several times. “But is... is it why he wants me back again tonight?”

“No. As I said, anything else is irrelevant.”

Anna shook her head. “I don’t understand. How could that not be a factor?”

“Mr. J is an unusual man.”

“Does he know my fiancé?”

“I won’t answer that, Katrina.”

Anna sighed. “Does he know who I belong to?”

A smile played at Simon’s lips. “Yes.”

The elevator stopped, and they walked out into a narrow hallway with paneled walls and blue carpet. He turned to look at her. “I assure you, he will not do anything to jeopardize your safety. He likes this arrangement and doesn’t want it to end yet.”

They walked down the hallway together. “Is he handsome?”

Simon smiled. “Does it matter?”

“I suppose not. The girls in the company have been speculating about him.”

“Oh? What do they say?”

“That he made a sizable donation to the ballet company.”


“That he’s either British or Russian.”

He laughed.

“Is he?”