Anna looked down at her hands, deciding what to share. Finally, she looked over at Simon. “I had a feeling I was being indiscreet.” Her fingers tingled. “If Kurt saw me dancing like that with my ex-boyfriend, he’d probably fly out here again to yell at me, and then lock me in my apartment.”

“Your fiancé is that temperamental?”

“He used to be one of the kindest men I knew, but since I moved here...” She shook her head. “He’s become volatile. And cruel. Well, no, not cruel. But mean.”

“Then why are you marrying him?”

“Because I have to.”

“In this day and age? That seems unlikely.”

Anna glanced at Simon. “I’m in a... position that comes with duties. I must perform those duties.”

Simon chuckled. “Are you a runaway princess?”

Anna smiled at the reference she and Aaron had made months ago. But now she really was trying to enjoy herself before she got into a loveless marriage. “Something like that.” If it weren’t for the whole Devin-wanting-to-control-the-world thing, she’d fly back to him tomorrow. At least with him, her life would fly by without a thought. She wouldn’t know what was going on. At this moment, the idea sounded wonderful.

“Mr. J was enjoying watching you dance. Envious, perhaps, of the other man’s hands, but comforted in the fact that his will be there soon enough.”

“I don’t understand why he stays hidden. With the amount of gossip going around, at least in the ballet company, he could have any woman he desired.”

“He has the woman he desires.” Simon gave her a pointed look. “At least in a way.”

She laughed. “Has he seen the other dancers?”



“Enjoy yourself. I will... keep your fiancé’s hawks away, if that will comfort you.”

“You know who’s watching me?”

Simon nodded. “Consider your dancing... foreplay.” He smiled and walked away.

Anna walked back inside a few minutes later and searched for Hugo. He was dancing with another woman and she mouthed, “I’m sorry.” He grinned at her and nodded, and she went back to her seat and took a big gulp of her martini.

“Did you hear?” Stef squealed. “He’s here!”

“Who?” Anna asked, putting her drink down.

“Him. Euroman.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The rich European who donated all that money to the company.”

“Oh!” She tried to look surprised. “How do you know?”

“I overheard someone talking about it in the bathroom. He’s over there.” She motioned to the curtained archway.

A crowd of women danced in front of Mr. J’s private room. Doubt plagued her as she watched the beautiful, sophisticated women dancing for him.

“C’mon. Let’s go dance.” Stef said, pulling her to her feet. “Rachel and Jamie are there already.” She grinned. “We have an advantage over the other women there.”

“What’s that?”

“We’re ballet dancers. He obviously likes ballerinas.”