Sebastian nodded. “That is what he was taking from Anna that made him so powerful. You will still be limited until you become Elder, but you will be... more than yourself.”

Alex thought for a moment and then nodded. “Okay. But I won’t force her.”

“It is much more potent if she does it voluntarily. The two of you together...” Sebastian raised his eyebrows. “She is a very powerful Half-Immortal, though she does not know it. You will do great things.”

“I don’t want to do great things. I just want to be with her.”

Sebastian smiled. “That is okay. For now. You will change your mind eventually.”

Alex sighed, not wanting to discount the Immortal’s foresight, but wanting to focus on what he needed to do at that moment... “So, how does this work?” He wanted to see Anna.

Sebastian chuckled and moved behind him. “She will not see me. You can move as you normally would.” He put his hands on Alex’s shoulders. “Close your eyes.”

Alex did as Sebastian instructed and felt a simultaneous rush of dizziness and a tightening sensation, making him momentarily lose his balance.

He sensed the difference in his environment and slowly opened his eyes. He stood in a sunlit bedroom. Outside the tall windows, a sprawling cityscape stretched out before him. The Hudson River meandered along its banks a few blocks away. New York.

He turned. Anna lay on her bed, sleeping. The sight of the indentation on her right ring finger caused a pang in his chest, and he swallowed the lump in his throat. She looked different. Peaceful. He hadn’t seen her sleep in years. When they’d been together, he’d wake early just to watch her sleep. She’d been pregnant then. Oh, how his heart ached!

He longed to see how much she’d changed from the twenty-year-old girl he’d married. His hands clenched into fists. Devin would pay for what he’d done. As soon as he could, he would destroy that man. That animal. It was an insult to humanity to call him a man.

But for now, he needed to do what he came here to do. “Anna,” he said softly. He reminded himself that he needed to speak English and hoped she’d be able to understand him.

Her eyes snapped open and she stared at the ceiling for a moment before turning her head in his direction. Oh, his sweet Schatzi! She sat up and stared at him. “Alex!” She shook her head. “No. You left... you were gone.”

He nodded. “I had to. But I’m here again.”

She shook her head. “I’ve given you up. I’ve moved on.”

His eyes unconsciously moved to her empty ring finger and his heart grew heavy. “Don’t give up on me, Anna. Please. We’ll be together soon.”

“How can we be together? You’re dead.” She shook her head again. “No, Alex. It’s time to stop dreaming of you. I have a wonderful man in my life. He’s alive and he cares for me.”

Her words were a dull knife in his heart. “Do you love him?” He winced at the crack in his voice. “Does he love you like I love you?”

“I-I don’t know if I love him. I might. It’s all so... different now. I’m different.” She looked up at him, fear filling her eyes. “I killed my guardian,” she whispered.

Alex walked over before he realized what he was doing. How he wanted to hold her and tell her everything would be alright! Instead, he kneeled next to her bed. “Does he love you as I love you?” he repeated.

Tears filled her eyes. “He’s alive,” she whispered.

“What if I were still alive, Anna? What if I walked back into your life tomorrow? Would you take me back?” He hated the desperation in his voice, but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t lose her.

“But you’re not,” she whimpered.

“But if I was?”

She didn’t answer right away. She stared out the window, her lower lip trembling. He could almost feel the turmoil in her heart and it pained him to no end.


She closed her eyes for a long moment and then opened again. His heart leaped at the love in her eyes. “I don’t know.”

Alex searched her eyes. She hadn’t rejected him outright. Her hesitation troubled him, but what else could he do? Forced love was no love at all. Winning her back would be more difficult than he’d imagined. “I will always love you, Schatzi.” He reached out to touch her cheek, and she vanished from his sight.

Alex sucked in a breath and forced his eyes open. He was back in his bedroom. He stared at the floor and fell to his knees in grief. Would he be able to gain her love back? Gain her trust back? Was she reluctant to love him, or was she afraid to? After all, he’d been gone for so long...
