“Aaron!” She hit arm and then rolled her eyes. “You would know the answer to that. I’m not exactly quiet.”

“I didn’t hear any screaming, so I’m guessing the answer is no.”

“Correct. We’re—I’m going over to his place tonight.” She smiled. “Providing I’m not kidnapped again.”

Aaron shook his head and rolled his eyes. “You shouldn’t even joke about that. You nearly gave me a heart attack.”


Aaron chuckled. “I know you didn’t do it on purpose and I’m glad you were able to defend yourself, however freaky it may be.”

“I’m just thankful Devin won’t find out I’m here from Jack.”

“So, who was the hot guy you ran off with last night?”

Anna looked up in surprise as Stefanie walked up to her before class. “Hot guy?”

“Yeah, I told Aaron about it and he freaked out.”

Anna swallowed. “That was my guardian.”

Stefanie looked at her doubtfully. “You let your guardian feel you up?”

Anna blinked. “What?”

“I was sitting above you, Katrina. I saw his hand go up your skirt. Does Hugo know?”

Anna looked down at the floor and then she straightened and looked Stefanie in the eye. “Yes, Hugo is aware that my guardian has sexually abused me since I was twelve,” she said coldly.

Stefanie’s dark brown eyes widened and her dark skin went ashen. “Oh. Oh, God, Katrina. I had no idea. Omigod! I’m so sorry.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “How did you—He took you...”

Anna set her jaw and nodded.

“Aaron found you okay? Did your guardian . . .”

“Yes, but I’m okay.” She found herself softening under Stefanie’s remorse. The woman had treated Anna with contempt since she’d arrived. At least she was showing she was human now, and Anna gave her a small smile. “He won’t bother me anymore.”

Stefanie let out a long breath and looked at her nervously. “I thought the worst of you, Katrina. I’m so sorry. Had I not—God, it might not have happened.”

“I’m okay, Stefanie. Really.”

Hugo walked up with a troubled expression on his face. He knew she and Stefanie didn’t get along. “Everything okay?”

Anna nodded and gave Stefanie a kind smile. “Yeah.”

Stefanie glanced up at Hugo and then walked away, hanging her head.

“What happened?” Hugo asked.

Anna told him.

Hugo sighed. “I hope she didn’t go blathering her mouth about it last night.”

Anna had butterflies in her stomach all morning and afternoon, even after the dress rehearsal.

Hugo beamed at her when they were done. “You’ll be the talk of the ballet world after tonight,” he murmured in her ear while Anna waited for Vincent to adjust some scenery.

Anna bit her lip and looked away.