No, he had to convince her to return to him. He had to! But how?

Leaves rustled behind him and he turned to find Sebastian walking toward him. “She is strong, Alex. She will be okay.”

Alex shook his head. “I should have returned to her already.”

“You are not ready and Devin is too strong.”

“What if the guy falls in love with her? What if she falls in love with him?” He looked up at his friend. “I need to talk to her, but she doesn’t dream of me anymore.”

Sebastian drew his brows together. “I know.”

“You know she shouldn’t be with him?”

The Immortal nodded. “He cannot protect her.”

“Then what can I do? Can I make her dream of me? Can you make her dream of me?” The intense expression on Sebastian’s face made his heart race. “It’s possible?”

Sebastian pressed his lips together. “I am not supposed to do such a thing.”

“But you can?”

“I could with an Elder. But I cannot teleport you. You do not have any Immortal in you.”

Alex cocked his brow. “What?”

“When Elders become Elders, we imbue them with a bit of ourselves. That is why you become an Elder the way you do.” He paused and looked thoughtful. “It would give you the ability to protect her...” He squinted his eyes thoughtfully. “I must speak with your father.”

Sebastian vanished without warning, and Alex sighed. Why did Immortals have to be so damn cryptic?

In his study, Wilhelm listened as Sebastian explained his thoughts on giving Alex a share of Immortal essence. “I will not do it unless you approve, Wilhelm. I know my brothers won’t, but at this point, I’m more concerned with offending you. Your son would have some Elder abilities.”

“Is there anything dangerous about it?”

Sebastian shook his head. “Only if you are worried about him questioning your authority.”

Wilhelm chuckled. “No. I know my son respects me.”

“I agree. I trust him completely.” Sebastian tilted his head. “I also think it would be helpful when he confronts Devin.”

Wilhelm tilted his head. “Would he be more of Devin’s match?”

“I believe so. Nothing like this has ever happened before, but it seems logical. Unless Devin’s other Elders band together with him against Alex.”

Wilhelm stroked his chin as he pondered an idea that had just popped into his mind. “Then maybe we need to remove those other Elders.”

Sebastian smiled, but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. “That would not be a decision I am allowed to be involved with. It is a human decision.” He smiled. “But I am sure a certain Assassin would not mind getting revenge on the men who have hurt his wife.” He stood, gave a respectful nod, and vanished.

Wilhelm pursed his lips and tented his fingers. Collaboration among Elders allowed them to combine their powers synergistically, as evidenced in the successful escape of Anna from Devin. Devin’s powers not only came from Anna, but his loyal Elders surrounding him. If the loyal Elders united around Devin, he would become unbeatable. But if he were the only one left...

He sat up and picked up his phone to call Vlad. For the first time, he had hope that they could defeat Devin sooner than later. But it was not a decision he could make, nor execute, on his own.

Chapter 113

Safe. Warm. Strong arms around her. Happy.

Anna stretched and Hugo jumped behind her. She turned over to face him and gave him an adoring look. “Did I startle you?”

“No... well, maybe.” He grinned. “I’m not used to sharing a bed with someone.” His voice was gravelly and lower than usual.