Hugo shrugged with an affectionate smile. “You did it.”

Anna’s cheeks warmed as she looked back at Vincent, who gave her an amused smile. “He said you worked a little on Firebird?”

Anna nodded.

“Good. I want you to concentrate on Firebird and Arches.”

Anna’s mouth dropped open as she looked at the two men. Those were two very difficult pieces. Arches was Hugo’s new ballet, and the world premiere was the night of the gala. “Vincent, I—you think I can do it?”

“Hugo thinks so. And I know you’re capable. Besides...” He smiled. “Arches is his decision. I would never override the choreographer.”

“I want you for the premier,” Hugo said. “Dancing with me.”

Anna gaped at him. “Really?”

“You’re perfect for the role.”

Anna’s cheeks warmed, which seemed to amuse Vincent. “I also want you for Titania for Midsummer Night’s Dream, but concentrate on the others first,” Vincent said. “Midsummer isn’t until the end of the season. Ironically.”

“Okay...” She blew out a breath, overwhelmed by the confidence they both had in her.

“That’s all.” Vincent nodded. “You can go warm up.”

“Okay.” She felt a little dazed as she made her way to the barre next to Aaron.

“What’d he want?” Aaron asked as she sat next to him.

“Letting me know the ballets I’m supposed to be working on.”

“What are they?”

“Firebird and Arches. Then Titania in Midsummer.”

Aaron’s brows shot up. “Wow. You must have really impressed Hugo.”

Anna stuck out her lower lip and narrowed her eyes at him, but in a teasing way. “You don’t think I can do it?”

“Oh, hell, Kat. You know I think you’re the best I’ve ever seen. No, I’m just... I’m glad they see it, too.” He smiled at her affectionately. “I hope I get to do Firebird with you.”

“Me, too.”

Hugo had taught her all the warm-ups and other variations used in class, so when the music began, Anna was much more confident than she had been the first two days of class. She finally felt the exhilaration she knew she should feel. Vincent nodded to her several times, which Anna took to mean that she was doing well.

“I think your improvement impressed the others,” Hugo whispered in her ear as they moved to the center of the room for floor work.

Anna looked up at him, surprised. “Really?”

He smiled and nodded, but didn’t say anything else. Anna noticed that most of the other dancers actually smiled at her now.

After lunch, Anna read over the list of rehearsals for the many ballets they would perform over the course of six weeks. Anna was dancing Firebird with Dave, Arches with Hugo and Midsummer Night’s Dream with Aaron. It seemed that each dancer had their own parts assigned, and the ballets were scheduled at various points throughout the season. It was so different from what she was used to, but it also meant she wasn’t dancing every night for six weeks. Several nights a week, but not all. It would be interesting to see how it all worked out.

Firebird was primarily the first two weeks. Arches was second, third, and fourth weeks with the premiere the first week. Midsummer was every night of the sixth week, plus matinées. She had little to do the fifth week, but would more than make up for it the following week.

Chapter 105

The next afternoon, Anna had her first official rehearsal for Arches with Hugo. He had already taught her quite a bit. They worked on the pas de deux most of the afternoon. She adored dancing with him.

He held her in the final pose longer than Anna expected and she caught his eye in the mirror, smiling. “Is it really held for this long?”