Clayton walked over to them. “Katrina, right?” He flashed a seductive grin.
Anna blinked, wondering who Katrina was, before she remembered she was Katrina. She nodded and gave a hesitant smile.
Clayton glanced at Nate with a grin. “You know her or just making fast moves?”
Nate rolled his eyes. “I’m so like that.” He scrunched his face. “Of course I know her. I’m from San Francisco, remember?”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot.” Clayton grinned and looked at Anna. “Wanna join us for dinner?”
“Thanks,” Anna said softly, “But I already have plans.”
“You do?” Nate’s brows shot up.
Anna nodded. “With Wilhelm and Aaron.”
“That’s... Alex’s dad, right?” he asked, squinting thoughtfully.
Anna nodded.
Aaron walked up to them. “Nate, can I talk to you for a sec?”
Nate nodded and followed Aaron to the other side of the room.
Clayton wagged his eyebrows. “So, how do you know Nate?” His dark brown eyes were full of curious mischief.
“Oh...” Anna glanced at Nate, who was listening intently to Aaron. “Um... we danced together before he came here.”
“Is that all?”
Anna bit her lip.
“I thought not. I saw how he was watching you during class.” Clayton tilted his head. “Did you come hoping to get back together with him?”
“I... no.” She shook her head. “No, I’d forgotten he was here.” But how could she have forgotten Nate? Sweet Nate.
“He’s got a girlfriend. Not sure how serious they are, but thought you might want to know.”
Anna nodded, her mind wandering. Part of her was relieved, part of her was sad. At least she didn’t have to worry about hurting Nate, since he was already involved with another woman. “That’s good.” She smiled. “He’s a great guy.”
Clayton grinned and wagged his eyebrows. “If you’re too broken-hearted over him, I’d be happy to cheer you up.”
Anna stared at him for a moment and then laughed. Hard. The mock seductive look on his face was priceless.
Aaron and Nate returned to where she was standing, and Nate raised his eyebrows. “What’s going on?”
Anna pressed her lips together, trying to stop laughing. “Your roommate is very funny.”
Clayton grinned and Nate scrunched his face, but his eyes gleamed with amusement as he shook his head. “Don’t encourage him.”
“We doing dinner?” Aaron asked Anna, who nodded.
“You know her too?” Clayton shook his head and raised his eyebrows at Anna. “Geez. Is there anyone here you don’t know already?”
Anna nodded. “I hardly know anyone.”
Nate rolled his eyes again. “Aaron’s from the same place.”
“I’ve known An—Katrina for a really long time.” Aaron grinned at her. “Too long, I think.”