“You can call any of us, though it would probably be safer if you had Aaron call,” Tom said. “But in an emergency, don’t hesitate to call me. If you see something that doesn’t look right—like someone you know from San Francisco—call me immediately. Devin is the only one blocked from seeing you, but I can put up temporary protections if needed.”

“So, I don’t have to go to your Manor?” Anna asked softly.

Tom shook his head. “It wouldn’t be a good idea if you did.”

“Aaron has a second bedroom in his apartment that is ready for you, unless you want your own place,” Wilhelm said. “Though I would prefer it if you stayed with him so you are not alone. If something were to happen to you, he has the authority to take care of things.” Wilhelm looked at Justin. “You are also now a member of the ballet company. Aaron has arranged a place for you to stay, as well. If there is anything you need, please let me know. I would like to help you in any way I can as a thank you for bringing Anna out here.”

Justin blinked. “Thank you. That’s really nice of you.”

Tom smiled. “I’m sure you’ll do fine here, Anna. Just be careful and remember you’re allowed to say no to anything you don’t want to do. Just be polite.” He stood with Tommy and Wayne. “I’ll let Wilhelm help you settle in. Vincent would like you both to stop by the studio today so you can get a feel for it. Performances begin at the end of the month and he would really like you to dance in the program.”

Anna gave him a hesitant smile, and Justin grinned. “Cool.”

Justin left with his father so they could spend some time together. He and Anna had agreed to meet at the studio at two o’clock.

Wilhelm took Anna to the apartment she’d be sharing with Aaron. It was only two blocks from the ballet studio, on the fortieth floor of a tall, blue-glass building. Aaron wasn’t home.

“There is a second master bedroom in here, which is one reason Aaron liked it,” Wilhelm said, leading her to the back of the apartment. “I wanted to buy you a place, but Aaron pointed out that it would draw a lot of attention if you showed up in the company living in a multi-million-dollar penthouse.” He smiled. “You will garner enough attention once you begin dancing. You do not need any more because of where you live.”

Her room was beautifully decorated in purples and creams, and she had her own private bathroom. One wall had floor-to-ceiling windows showing off a beautiful view of the city and the Hudson River.

Wilhelm stood behind her and put his arms around her waist. “So, since I cannot spoil you with a condo, I will spoil you in other ways.” He kissed her neck and she turned and wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands moved to cup her breasts and kneaded them gently.

Anna pressed her lips against his and moaned softly as he moved his hands down to cup her ass. It felt so good to be in his arms again. Last night, she had been reminded of what an incredible lover he was.

“Anna...” he whispered, and picked her up and carried her to her bed.

Chapter 96

“So, what’s your relation to Katrina?” Anna asked as she and Wilhelm lay naked together in her new bed. She ran her fingers through the white hair on his chest.

“I have been trying to figure that out. I will not be able to come out very often and see you, but I do not want to hide it when I do.” He twirled her hair around his finger. “I think a guardian of some sort. Or, perhaps we should just make it simple, and I can be who I am, the father of your deceased husband.”

“I don’t think people would approve of us sleeping together.” She had learned enough about the world to know that most people would find the sexual activities of those in The Brotherhood odd at best, revolting at worst.

Wilhelm tweaked her nipple. “Definitely not. But I was not planning on revealing our sexual relationship to anyone.” He grinned. “I do know how to play the part of a gentleman in public.”

Anna smiled. “I know. You are always the perfect gentleman.”

“As I was brought up to be, and brought my sons up the same way.” He paused for a moment and continued to play with her hair. “Anna, if you—I am sorry for what I did to you... with getting you pregnant. I should have asked, but I thought?—‍”

She shook her head and gave him a warm smile. “I would have loved to have carried your child. I still would.”

He splayed his hands over her stomach. “We will wait until you are ready to stop dancing for a while. I want you to get used to being free before I put any burdens on you. And, if that does happen, I would really prefer you to be in Germany with me. But that cannot happen until your bond with Devin is broken.”

“When I’m twenty-six?”

Wilhelm nodded. “Besides, you may decide you want Kurt for a husband after all.”

Anna softened at the mention of Kurt’s name. “It would be right for us to marry, wouldn’t it?”

He sighed. “Ja, Anna. It would. Kurt still loves you, even though you tried to help him get over you. You are an Elder-Mistress. It is good to marry an Elder-Son. But I do not want you to think about that right now. I want you to enjoy your freedom. Kurt can court you as any other man.” He chuckled. “And probably will. You will have to learn how to say no, Anna. Many men will want to date you. A benefit of being a Half-Immortal. But Aaron will help you if you ask.”

They dressed a while later and Wilhelm took her shopping for electronics, toiletries, clothing, and, of course, dance clothes. The highlight of the shopping trip was finding a dress for the ballet company’s Spring Gala: a strapless lavender gown with a sweetheart neckline and full skirt.

Shortly before two o’clock, Anna was waiting for Justin outside the studio. Wilhelm had dropped her off so she could establish herself on her own, and they planned to meet for dinner later. Justin came sauntering around the corner a few minutes later.

“Aren’t you nervous?” Anna asked, amazed at his confidence.