Page 455 of Master of My Life

be free at last. “I want to stay,” Sabrina said.

“I do, too,” Anna said.

Kronos smiled. “As you wish.” He put his hands on their heads and Sabrina gasped as she felt the

Immortalness leaving her body. It was not as painful as when she’d used the diamond, but it was as

intense. Her vision turned golden for one last moment and then it was gone.

“Love your husbands and your families, Daughters,” Kronos said, kissing each of them on the

head, then he disappeared.

Sabrina turned and ran to Chase, hugging him with all her strength.

“I love you,” Sabrina said.

Chase’s eyes watered. “I love you, too, Sabrina,” Chase said, kissing her hard.



Chase walked into the lobby of the Boston Opera House with his mother on his arm.

“I’m excited to see Sabrina dance again,” Grace said, squeezing Chase’s arm. “It’s been so long.”

“She needed a break after everything that happened, Mom.”

“I know. And I understand you needed time together. But still.” Grace smiled. “It will be good to

see her dance again.”

“It will.”

“Is she okay?”

“She is now. Took her a few months to get her confidence back, but she’s excited for tonight.”

Chase smiled. “She’ll charm us as Clara tonight just as much as she did last year.” More than one

time Sabrina had come home in tears, frustrated that her body didn’t work as it did when she was

Immortal. But eventually, she’d re-learned to dance and had built back her confidence in her human


“I’m sure she will.” She patted Chase’s arm. “It’s been a tough year on both of you.”

“Yeah.” He sighed, wishing, as he did with every important moment, that Ethan was here with


“Oh, there’s Richard and Kathy,” Grace said, releasing Chase’s arm as the couple approached.

Richard extended his hand to Chase, then kissed Grace on the cheek. “Everything okay?” Richard

asked Chase as Kathy and Grace wandered away.