A million questions popped into his head, but he pushed them away. She was still the wife of his
good friend.
“Devin taught me to enjoy pain,” Anna said with a small shrug. “I still enjoy it sometimes.”
“I’m sorry if I hurt you.”
“Don’t be. Alex is afraid to hurt me, though he can be savage sometimes.” She smiled. “You were
very savage and I enjoyed every bit of it.”
“Does he still lose his temper?”
“Occasionally. But age has tempered him.”
Chase smiled.
Anna started to say something, but Irina returned with a cup filled with water.
“Thank you,” Chase said as he accepted the cup. He drank it in one gulp and set it aside. “Did I
hurt you, Irina?”
She shook her head. “Half-Immortals are not easily hurt.”
“I’m glad.” She was so different from Anna. Anna was warm and inviting. Irina was beautiful and
sensual, but it seemed more duty than enjoyment.
“Irina, do you mind if I have some time alone with Chase?” Anna asked.
Irina nodded, her face impassive as usual. “Of course.” She kissed Chase’s cheek. “I am
available if you need anything else.”
They watched her leave and Anna shook her head. “I know I went through a lot, but I am thankful
every time I meet an Elder-Mistress that I am me and not them.” She sighed. “I can’t imagine living
life without emotion.”
“You wouldn’t be the same.”
Anna nodded and looked back at Chase. “I want to give you a gift. Something that will help you
fight.” She glanced down at Chase’s hips. “Are you recovered?”
Chase arched a brow. “Recovered?”
“Are you sore or need more time to rest?”
“What are you going to do?”
“I want to give you of myself. What Damian did to Ethan . . .” She clenched her jaw. “And the
others. It is not right. Giving you myself will add to your strength.”
“Anna, I—”