Page 349 of Master of My Life

It was quite the treat to see Sabrina’s cunt stretched to the limit as Terric plunged his cock deep

inside her body over and over again. Deeper than any human woman could take and live through.

Then he would empty himself into her, leaving an abundance of Immortal essence inside of her, for

Damian to ingest and absorb.

Of course, fucking Sabrina after Terric had his way with her left a lot to the imagination. Her cunt

was stretched open to the point Damian got no pleasure from it. Handy for getting at the combined

cum of Sabrina and Terric, but not enjoyable. So he began fucking her ass instead. It’s how the Elders

receive their Immortalness, so why not? And it gave Damian the opportunity to elicit some screams

from Sabrina himself. Though only the first few times. Her body had adjusted now and she was

enjoying it. That was likely to be the case from this point on, anyway. She had embraced her Immortal

side and craved the violence that both he and Terric gave her.

It had only taken two days to undo what Damian had feared he’d lost when she escaped to Boston.

She no longer thought of Chase. She only thought of Damian and his desires.

Chase could only pace for so long before he had to rest. His ribs hurt. His face hurt. But sitting didn’t

help. So he paced. Then he sat. Then he paced. Then he sat.

Matt and Corey had arrived earlier that day and would stay until Sabrina was found. Ethan had

“given up” his room to Matt and was “sleeping in a cot in Chase’s room.” Not really, but that’s what

they told the other men. After a long conversation, he and Ethan had agreed not to tell them about their

relationship with each other. He didn’t want things to get weird since they didn’t know how the others

would react. But it was nice to have Ethan next to him at night. He didn’t know if he’d be able to

sleep otherwise.

Corey had set up his massive computer network in Chase’s office and was busy as usual in there.

Mrs. Porter kept him well supplied with food and drink. Lance, Matt, and Ethan were doing a supply

check to make sure they had everything they needed for when it was time to return to DC.

And Chase had nothing to do but be in pain and think. He preferred the pain to thinking. It was

less painful. But the thoughts eventually came. He tried to help with the supply check, but he could

hardly bend over, let alone be mobile enough to walk around the room and take inventory. Ethan had

sent him upstairs to rest and threatened to drug him to sleep if necessary.

Maybe he should have taken Ethan up on his offer.

It was time to walk again. Up and down the bedroom he paced, trying to wrap his head around