expected you to do. You know better than to go rogue.”
“Rogue? That’s what you think I was doing?” Chase clenched his jaw, ignoring the pain the
tension brought on. “He took Sabrina,” he said slowly. “I’m not just going to sit around and—”
“You went without our permission and see what happened?”
Chase scoffed. “You think it would have gone better with your permission? You haven’t even
asked what happened!”
“Because—” Richard closed his eyes and let out a long breath. “What happened?”
“Neil was there.”
“The one who kidnapped Sabrina?”
Chase nodded.
“He’s alive?”
“How is that possible?”
“You tell me. You’re the fucking Elder.”
Richard glared at him and pressed his lips together. He paced the floor several times. “Damian
must have been behind her kidnapping,” Richard said, sitting down again. “He’s been pulling strings
this entire time.” He rubbed his face.
“Would you have known that if I hadn’t gone?”
Richard sighed again. “We would have figured it out, eventually.”
“But you know it now and time is not on our side. Who knows what Damian is doing to my wife.”
Richard was thoughtful for a long time, then he closed his eyes and shook his head. “And I invited
him in.” He spoke so softly Chase wasn’t sure he’d heard correctly.
It was something that had crossed Chase’s mind many times since Sabrina had left, but he hadn’t
voiced it. Part of him blamed Richard for the whole thing, but would knowing have changed anything?
Could they have stopped Damian? Especially now that they suspected he was much more than just
Damian? He would have taken Sabrina, regardless. At least this way, they knew who they were
dealing with. Kind of. “Who is he?”
Chase nodded.
Richard shook his head. “Before last night, I didn’t know much. His family has connections to The