“You can come out now.” Sabrina looked up to see Alex towering in the doorway.
She rushed past him and toward Chase, but when she saw Ethan hunched over in the middle of the
platform, she froze. “What happened?”
“He’s fine. He passed his test.”
She hesitated, standing between Chase and Ethan. Ethan didn’t move. Chase held open his arms.
She walked to him slowly. Was he still angry with her?
“I’m sorry I yelled, Sabrina, but I couldn’t let you interfere.”
Sabrina stared at Ethan as she stood with Chase’s arms around her. What had they done to Ethan?
After several minutes, Ethan sat up, looking around and blinking. He looked different. When he’d
come in earlier, he’d looked defeated and depressed. Now he looked . . . lighter.
She hurried to his side, kneeling next to him. “Are you okay?”
Ethan looked thoughtful and then smiled. “Yeah. Actually, I feel good.”
She put her hand on his cheek and studied his eyes. He did look less burdened than before.
“Sabrina,” Chase said quietly and motioned for her to go to him.
She kissed his cheek and then went to Chase’s side. He took her hand, and they went to stand
where they’d been at the beginning. She dropped to her knees and waited.
Chase put his hand gently on her head and then moved to stand next to Ethan, who had stood up.
“Have you found this man worthy?”
“We have,” Richard said. “He is an excellent choice for Sabrina’s guardian.” He turned to Ethan.
“You have faced your fears, Ethan. I am proud of you.”
Ethan’s face turned red, and he looked at the ground, but Sabrina would have sworn she saw a
small smile on his face.
Chase turned to Ethan. “Are you willing to become Sabrina’s guardian?”
“I am.”
Richard stepped forward. “A guardian puts aside his own desires for the sake of the one in his
charge. You will have no other relationship outside the one between Chase, Sabrina, and yourself.
You will submit yourself to Chase for Sabrina’s sake.”
Ethan nodded. “I am willing and prepared to do so.”
“You will protect Sabrina with your life?”
“I will.”